Problem with httpd

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I have finally installed ECCE v6.4 onto a new linux box (Fedora 17)

I only have one work station and I am loath to run ecce as root. So I tried to do the initial start of the server qith the start_ecce_server command run as the user ecceadm. I received the following error message:

/usr/share/ecce-v6.4/server/httpd/bin/apachectl: line 79: /usr/share/ecce-v6.4/server/httpd/bin/httpd: cannot execute binary file
/usr/share/ecce-v6.4/server/httpd/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

I checked the permissions on the files httpd and apachectl - owner and group had execute priveleges. I changed the protection to 755 on these two files. I also checked priveleges along the entire path. NOthing obvious was blocking the execution of the files. I tried again and again I received the error message shown.

I then deleted the server directory and ran the server install. After this I tried to execute the script start_ecce_server - again receiving the error message shown.

I did the requisite software check - java, perl, gtk+ etc all were there and of acceptable versions. I do not have any firewall on this machine, so I do not thinkthis is a port issue.

Any ideas?

Clicked A Few Times
I tried to build ECCE on Fedora 17. Other than filling in some missing packages, the install went rather seamlessly until near the end. I had built all the 3rd party software pieces and ran the build ecce script again to finish (If I understand the INSTALL correctly) when I ran into the following error message contained in the attached file.

I am SO close to getting this to run, but I do not understand the syntax/meaning in line 37. Any help would be greatly appreciated - I just installed Fedora on an old Windows box and I would like to avoid removing Fedora to reload with another flavor of linux. Though I will if I have to.


Clicked A Few Times
Error Message
Turns out I cannot upload the file. I have no permission to upload this - assumed it would be attached to the message. Let me know if you want me to email this to a particular address.

Gets Around
Please see my post to your other thread about ECCE not working properly. Also, I have no idea if what I did will work on Fedora 17 so I'd recommend just going with the latest Fedora 18. Since I was able to run an ECCE binary distribution on Fedora 18 I'd bail on compiling ECCE source code since that's a painful process on Fedora from what both of us have found.


Gets Around
Mark, Gary,
1. I've written up the build of ECCE v6.4 on Fedora 18 here:

What was needed in Mark's case was installation of perl-Digest-MD5 from yum

Edit: see here [2] for Scientific Linux 6.3 (Centos/RHEL)

2. The deprecated in Perl 5 can be worked around by replacing all instances of with Getop::Std and making sure that all capitalized instances of Getops are converted to lowercase.
cd apps/sitesconfig/scripts
sed -i 's/require "";/use Getopt::Std;/g' gensub
set -i 's/Getopts/getops/g' gensub
cd parsers
sed -i 's/require "";/use Getopt::Std;/g' *
set -i 's/Getopts/getops/g' *

I've tried this on Debian (7.0/Testing/Wheezy) in addition to Fedora 18 and it seems to work fine --which may be important since I don't know how long Debian will continue supporting

So far I've only tried running local jobs using nwchem (freq, energy etc.) but everything's looking good.

Just Got Here
Quote:Ohlincha Mar 23rd 2:45 pm
Mark, Gary,
1. I've written up the build of ECCE v6.4 on Fedora 18 here:

I had the same problem as OP on CentOS 6.4 and your write up here[2] was just what I needed.

Gets Around
I have updated the ECCE binary and source code distributions to be compliant with the newer Getopt usage. This was definitely worth doing to keep ECCE from breaking as different Linux vendors update perl to no longer support the old Turns out that some of the ECCE code had already been updated and some not. Now it should all be updated and consistent with the new format. Thanks for the help with this guys.


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