Problem with httpd

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Gets Around
Mark, Gary,
1. I've written up the build of ECCE v6.4 on Fedora 18 here:

What was needed in Mark's case was installation of perl-Digest-MD5 from yum

Edit: see here [2] for Scientific Linux 6.3 (Centos/RHEL)

2. The deprecated in Perl 5 can be worked around by replacing all instances of with Getop::Std and making sure that all capitalized instances of Getops are converted to lowercase.
cd apps/sitesconfig/scripts
sed -i 's/require "";/use Getopt::Std;/g' gensub
set -i 's/Getopts/getops/g' gensub
cd parsers
sed -i 's/require "";/use Getopt::Std;/g' *
set -i 's/Getopts/getops/g' *

I've tried this on Debian (7.0/Testing/Wheezy) in addition to Fedora 18 and it seems to work fine --which may be important since I don't know how long Debian will continue supporting

So far I've only tried running local jobs using nwchem (freq, energy etc.) but everything's looking good.