8:38:16 PM PST - Sun, Jan 20th 2013 |
Hi Gary,
Just to update what I have done here.
I can now do NWChem calculation firstly, RHF geometry in 6-31G* basis. Secondly using the same geometry, doing RESP. In the first step, I realized that if I finished building the molecule, save and restart builder, the atom name will be set and the name has to be four characters long, otherwise the name will be jammed.
After doing RESP, I can assign the charges to the molecule.
I was wondering if I can edit the residue name in this view, but it doesn't work. The residue name "UNK" in the box in the residue table is editable, but the edit is lost when I restart the builder. There is an alternative, which is to write the structure into either frg or sgm with the option given in the residue table. After this, I can manually edit the file written outside ECCE.