Residue table appeared grey and cannot be edited

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Gets Around
Hi Alvyn,

Is this already a residue-based system (such as you read it in from a PDB file)? If not and you just built it from scratch or imported it from another file format such as XYZ then you'll need to tell ECCE you want to make it residue-based. The Build->Make into Residue-Based System is precisely for this and then you should be able to edit the Residue table.

I'm also seeing that even after using this option it still doesn't enable the "Residue Table" item in the Tools menu. I figured out that if I wrote the system out to a .pdb file then it would recognize it even without importing it again. Hopefully one or the other of these hints help.

If not and you definitely have a residue based system, I'll have you email me the .pdb file for it so I can try to reproduce the problem. I will PM you you my email address.

Best regards,