NWChem vs Gaussian energies

Just Got Here
Dear all,
I'm a NWChem newbie and I'm performing single point calculations on a water geometry with both NWChem and Gaussian. I'm working at the DFT level, using the BP86 exchange-correlation functional and the 6-311G* basis set. It may seem really trivial, but I can't get comparable energies (i.e. equal to the 7-8th digit) from the two programs. I also tried following the suggestions posted here: http://comp.chem.umn.edu/info/NWChem.html with little change. Here are my input files:

title "w sp"

O             0.00000           0.00000           0.00000
H             0.92264           0.65241           0.00000
H            -0.92264           0.65241           0.00000

charge 0


 xc slater 1.0 becke88 nonlocal 1.0 perdew86 1.0 vwn_1_rpa 1.0
 iterations 5000
 grid lebedev 90 14 ssf euler

basis "ao basis" spherical
 o library 6-311g*
 h library 6-311g*

task dft

ecce_print w_dft


# bp86/6-311g* scf=(tight) nosym integral(grid=ultrafine)

w sp

 0 1
O             0.00000           0.00000           0.00000
H             0.92264           0.65241           0.00000
H            -0.92264           0.65241           0.00000

The energies I get are:

NWChem  :  -76.600926730992
Gaussian:  -76.4024349388

which are indeed very different. The same happens if I change the functional to B3LYP, even if the difference is much less dramatic.
I am probably doing something wrong but I don't understand what. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you

Forum Vet
use xc becke88 perdew86
If you use xc becke88 perdew86, the energy computed by NWChem is -76.402352654964

# xc slater 1.0 becke88 nonlocal 1.0 perdew86 1.0 vwn_1_rpa 1.0
xc becke88 perdew86
 iterations 5000
 grid lebedev 90 14 ssf euler

Just Got Here
Thank you! I had used that explicit expression for BP86 because of an e-mail I had found (here). Is that wrong?

Another thing, I see that nwchem supports the resolution of identity approximation for MP2, but I'm not sure about dft... is it possible?

Thank you again

Forum Vet
I am not commenting on definitions that don't see to work ...

The DFT equivalent of RI-MP2 requires the definition of a second basis set, i.e. charge density fitting basis set

More details at


Just Got Here
I see; so to use the ri approximation I simply have to define the auxiliary basis set. Very nice! I will try it as soon as possible

Thank you again

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