tetrahedral distortion - why ?

Just Got Here
Dear all,

Maybe this is a foul input, but the same job turns out fine on the competition's software.

So, I'm optimizing otho-vanadate (VO4-3) in the gas phase with B3LYP/6-31g (I placed the input in the end of this post), and it should be a simple tetrahedral, just like ch4.

So, I got this piece of **sucessfull** output where atom 1 is V and atoms 2 to 5 are O:

      Type          Name      I     J     K     L     M      Value     Gradient
      ----------- --------  ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----------
    1 Stretch                  1     2                       1.88292   -0.00003
    2 Stretch                  1     3                       1.88305    0.00003
    3 Stretch                  1     4                       1.64063   -0.00001
    4 Stretch                  1     5                       1.64063   -0.00001
    5 Bend                     2     1     3                49.61591    0.00003
    6 Bend                     2     1     4               121.56546   -0.00008
    7 Bend                     2     1     5               121.56546   -0.00008
    8 Bend                     3     1     4               120.34717    0.00003
    9 Bend                     3     1     5               120.34717    0.00003
   10 Bend                     4     1     5               110.90875    0.00006

This is what my younger co-workers call "fail".

But... why ?
I keep thinking the B3LYP/6-31g could be it, but if runs fine to a fine result in other software.

Any suggestions ?
All the best,

memory total 4 gb

start vo4

     V                   0.00000270    -0.00000085     0.00000000
     O                  -0.78410613    -1.53120837     0.00000000
     O                  -1.18224797     1.24967774     0.00000000
     O                   0.98317592     0.14076473    -1.40461359
     O                   0.98317592     0.14076473     1.40461359

* library 6-31g

xc b3lyp
iterations 200

maxiter 200

charge -3

#task scf optimize

task dft optimize

Forum Vet
NWChem automatically tries to find symmetry by default. For some reason it finds Cs symmetry instead of Td in the starting configuration. Any subsequent calculations are using the Cs symmetry, and as a result it looks like the orbital ordering leads to this geometry.

Simple fix:

  geometry noautosym


symmetry Td
V 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
O 1.0140 1.0140 1.0140

Both will give you the proper Td structures.


Quote:Edward.deira Jun 15th 5:05 pm
Dear all,

Maybe this is a foul input, but the same job turns out fine on the competition's software.

So, I'm optimizing otho-vanadate (VO4-3) in the gas phase with B3LYP/6-31g (I placed the input in the end of this post), and it should be a simple tetrahedral, just like ch4.

So, I got this piece of **sucessfull** output where atom 1 is V and atoms 2 to 5 are O:

      Type          Name      I     J     K     L     M      Value     Gradient
      ----------- --------  ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----------
    1 Stretch                  1     2                       1.88292   -0.00003
    2 Stretch                  1     3                       1.88305    0.00003
    3 Stretch                  1     4                       1.64063   -0.00001
    4 Stretch                  1     5                       1.64063   -0.00001
    5 Bend                     2     1     3                49.61591    0.00003
    6 Bend                     2     1     4               121.56546   -0.00008
    7 Bend                     2     1     5               121.56546   -0.00008
    8 Bend                     3     1     4               120.34717    0.00003
    9 Bend                     3     1     5               120.34717    0.00003
   10 Bend                     4     1     5               110.90875    0.00006

This is what my younger co-workers call "fail".

But... why ?
I keep thinking the B3LYP/6-31g could be it, but if runs fine to a fine result in other software.

Any suggestions ?
All the best,

memory total 4 gb

start vo4

     V                   0.00000270    -0.00000085     0.00000000
     O                  -0.78410613    -1.53120837     0.00000000
     O                  -1.18224797     1.24967774     0.00000000
     O                   0.98317592     0.14076473    -1.40461359
     O                   0.98317592     0.14076473     1.40461359

* library 6-31g

xc b3lyp
iterations 200

maxiter 200

charge -3

#task scf optimize

task dft optimize

Just Got Here
Works fine now!

Thank you, Bert!

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