tetrahedral distortion - why ?

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Just Got Here
Dear all,

Maybe this is a foul input, but the same job turns out fine on the competition's software.

So, I'm optimizing otho-vanadate (VO4-3) in the gas phase with B3LYP/6-31g (I placed the input in the end of this post), and it should be a simple tetrahedral, just like ch4.

So, I got this piece of **sucessfull** output where atom 1 is V and atoms 2 to 5 are O:

      Type          Name      I     J     K     L     M      Value     Gradient
      ----------- --------  ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----------
    1 Stretch                  1     2                       1.88292   -0.00003
    2 Stretch                  1     3                       1.88305    0.00003
    3 Stretch                  1     4                       1.64063   -0.00001
    4 Stretch                  1     5                       1.64063   -0.00001
    5 Bend                     2     1     3                49.61591    0.00003
    6 Bend                     2     1     4               121.56546   -0.00008
    7 Bend                     2     1     5               121.56546   -0.00008
    8 Bend                     3     1     4               120.34717    0.00003
    9 Bend                     3     1     5               120.34717    0.00003
   10 Bend                     4     1     5               110.90875    0.00006

This is what my younger co-workers call "fail".

But... why ?
I keep thinking the B3LYP/6-31g could be it, but if runs fine to a fine result in other software.

Any suggestions ?
All the best,

memory total 4 gb

start vo4

     V                   0.00000270    -0.00000085     0.00000000
     O                  -0.78410613    -1.53120837     0.00000000
     O                  -1.18224797     1.24967774     0.00000000
     O                   0.98317592     0.14076473    -1.40461359
     O                   0.98317592     0.14076473     1.40461359

* library 6-31g

xc b3lyp
iterations 200

maxiter 200

charge -3

#task scf optimize

task dft optimize