Compilation of nwchem-6.8 in Mac OS: Error at "make nwchem config" step

Just Got Here
Hello all!

I am trying to compile the nwchem source code (nwchem-6.8-release.revision-v6.8-47-gdf6c956-src.2017-12-14) in Mac OS 10.14.3.

At the "make nwchem_config" step, I am getting the following error messages at the very beginning:

usage:  ar -d [-TLsv] archive file ...
	ar -m [-TLsv] archive file ...
	ar -m [-abiTLsv] position archive file ...
	ar -p [-TLsv] archive [file ...]
	ar -q [-cTLsv] archive file ...
	ar -r [-cuTLsv] archive file ...
	ar -r [-abciuTLsv] position archive file ...
	ar -t [-TLsv] archive [file ...]
	ar -x [-ouTLsv] archive [file ...]
/bin/sh: line 0: [: too many arguments
/bin/sh: line 0: [: too many arguments
/bin/sh: line 0: [: -ge: unary operator expected
cat: /Users/Suman/source_code/nwchem-6.8/src/tools/build/config.h: No such file or directory

Any help in troubleshooting this issue will be much appreciated.


Forum Vet
NWChem is now available on brew. This is likely to be the easiest option for installing NWChem 6.8.1 on MacOS
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" 
brew install nwchem

If you still need assistance on your compilation, please post the env. variable that you have set for the NWChem compilation

Forum >> NWChem's corner >> Compiling NWChem