Compilation of nwchem-6.8 in Mac OS: Error at "make nwchem config" step

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Hello all!

I am trying to compile the nwchem source code (nwchem-6.8-release.revision-v6.8-47-gdf6c956-src.2017-12-14) in Mac OS 10.14.3.

At the "make nwchem_config" step, I am getting the following error messages at the very beginning:

usage:  ar -d [-TLsv] archive file ...
	ar -m [-TLsv] archive file ...
	ar -m [-abiTLsv] position archive file ...
	ar -p [-TLsv] archive [file ...]
	ar -q [-cTLsv] archive file ...
	ar -r [-cuTLsv] archive file ...
	ar -r [-abciuTLsv] position archive file ...
	ar -t [-TLsv] archive [file ...]
	ar -x [-ouTLsv] archive [file ...]
/bin/sh: line 0: [: too many arguments
/bin/sh: line 0: [: too many arguments
/bin/sh: line 0: [: -ge: unary operator expected
cat: /Users/Suman/source_code/nwchem-6.8/src/tools/build/config.h: No such file or directory

Any help in troubleshooting this issue will be much appreciated.
