Simple dimer DFT calculation with diffuse basis set

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Hi all!

I've been having a lot of trouble while trying some basis DFT energy calculations on molecular dimers using diffuse basis sets.

This is a quite simple case: the pentacene cofacial stack (

title "pentacene_b3lyp_6-31+gs"
start  pentacene_b3lyp_6-31+gs

geometry noautoz noautosym nocenter
C	0.000000	0.000000	1.406683
C	0.000000	1.224532	0.727541
C	0.000000	2.463824	1.406276
C	0.000000	3.672444	0.726656
C	0.000000	4.934586	1.408386
C	0.000000	6.108003	0.715689
C	0.000000	0.000000	-1.406683
C	0.000000	1.224532	-0.727541
C	0.000000	2.463824	-1.406276
C	0.000000	3.672444	-0.726656
C	0.000000	4.934586	-1.408386
C	0.000000	6.108003	-0.715689
C	0.000000	-1.224532	-0.727541
C	0.000000	-2.463824	-1.406276
C	0.000000	-3.672444	-0.726656
C	0.000000	-4.934586	-1.408386
C	0.000000	-6.108003	-0.715689
C	0.000000	-1.224532	0.727541
C	0.000000	-2.463824	1.406276
C	0.000000	-3.672444	0.726656
C	0.000000	-4.934586	1.408386
C	0.000000	-6.108003	0.715689
H	0.000000	0.000000	2.492435
H	0.000000	2.464311	2.492092
H	0.000000	4.935578	2.493484
H	0.000000	7.053599	1.245772
H	0.000000	0.000000	-2.492435
H	0.000000	2.464311	-2.492092
H	0.000000	4.935578	-2.493484
H	0.000000	7.053599	-1.245772
H	0.000000	-2.464311	-2.492092
H	0.000000	-4.935578	-2.493484
H	0.000000	-7.053599	-1.245772
H	0.000000	-2.464311	2.492092
H	0.000000	-4.935578	2.493484
H	0.000000	-7.053599	1.245772
C	3.500000	0.000000	1.406683
C	3.500000	1.224532	0.727541
C	3.500000	2.463824	1.406276
C	3.500000	3.672444	0.726656
C	3.500000	4.934586	1.408386
C	3.500000	6.108003	0.715689
C	3.500000	0.000000	-1.406683
C	3.500000	1.224532	-0.727541
C	3.500000	2.463824	-1.406276
C	3.500000	3.672444	-0.726656
C	3.500000	4.934586	-1.408386
C	3.500000	6.108003	-0.715689
C	3.500000	-1.224532	-0.727541
C	3.500000	-2.463824	-1.406276
C	3.500000	-3.672444	-0.726656
C	3.500000	-4.934586	-1.408386
C	3.500000	-6.108003	-0.715689
C	3.500000	-1.224532	0.727541
C	3.500000	-2.463824	1.406276
C	3.500000	-3.672444	0.726656
C	3.500000	-4.934586	1.408386
C	3.500000	-6.108003	0.715689
H	3.500000	0.000000	2.492435
H	3.500000	2.464311	2.492092
H	3.500000	4.935578	2.493484
H	3.500000	7.053599	1.245772
H	3.500000	0.000000	-2.492435
H	3.500000	2.464311	-2.492092
H	3.500000	4.935578	-2.493484
H	3.500000	7.053599	-1.245772
H	3.500000	-2.464311	-2.492092
H	3.500000	-4.935578	-2.493484
H	3.500000	-7.053599	-1.245772
H	3.500000	-2.464311	2.492092
H	3.500000	-4.935578	2.493484
H	3.500000	-7.053599	1.245772

 * library "6-31+g*"

 convergence diis 3
 maxiter 1000
 grid fine
 xc b3lyp
 vectors input atomic output dimer.movecs
task dft energy

The SCF cycle starts like that:
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis     1  -1638.2924516151 -6.63D+03  2.27D+02  4.95D+03   916.0
 Grid integrated density:     291.997207182703
 Requested integration accuracy:   0.10E-06
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     2  -1596.5938570357  4.17D+01  9.24D+01  4.04D+02  1147.7
 Grid integrated density:     292.000933360791
 Requested integration accuracy:   0.10E-06
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     3   -533.7879528180  1.06D+03  7.82D+00  5.05D+03  1377.1
 Grid integrated density:     292.002854672656
 Requested integration accuracy:   0.10E-06
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     4  -1198.9782229509 -6.65D+02  1.97D+02  2.15D+03  1606.3
 Grid integrated density:     292.001966967721

and eventually just fails to converge:

 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis    29   1352.8835222278 -1.60D+03  2.90D+00  7.18D+03  6620.0
 Grid integrated density:     292.000050022126
 Requested integration accuracy:   0.10E-06
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis    30   1254.6589767786 -9.82D+01  4.28D+00  5.78D+03  6825.0
 Grid integrated density:     292.002613695296
 Requested integration accuracy:   0.10E-06
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis    31   3773.8405074356  2.52D+03  5.69D+00  5.06D+03  7029.3

I've also tried the fragment MO method and successive projections from smaller basis (3-21g to 6-31g to 6-31g* to 6-31+g*) but nothing works...

Any input will be highly appreciated!

Best regards,

Forum Vet
Please try this modified input that will converge in 18 iterations

title "pentacene_b3lyp_6-31+gs"
start  pentacene_b3lyp_6-31+gs

geometry noautoz 
C	0.000000	0.000000	1.406683
C	0.000000	1.224532	0.727541
C	0.000000	2.463824	1.406276
C	0.000000	3.672444	0.726656
C	0.000000	4.934586	1.408386
C	0.000000	6.108003	0.715689
C	0.000000	0.000000	-1.406683
C	0.000000	1.224532	-0.727541
C	0.000000	2.463824	-1.406276
C	0.000000	3.672444	-0.726656
C	0.000000	4.934586	-1.408386
C	0.000000	6.108003	-0.715689
C	0.000000	-1.224532	-0.727541
C	0.000000	-2.463824	-1.406276
C	0.000000	-3.672444	-0.726656
C	0.000000	-4.934586	-1.408386
C	0.000000	-6.108003	-0.715689
C	0.000000	-1.224532	0.727541
C	0.000000	-2.463824	1.406276
C	0.000000	-3.672444	0.726656
C	0.000000	-4.934586	1.408386
C	0.000000	-6.108003	0.715689
H	0.000000	0.000000	2.492435
H	0.000000	2.464311	2.492092
H	0.000000	4.935578	2.493484
H	0.000000	7.053599	1.245772
H	0.000000	0.000000	-2.492435
H	0.000000	2.464311	-2.492092
H	0.000000	4.935578	-2.493484
H	0.000000	7.053599	-1.245772
H	0.000000	-2.464311	-2.492092
H	0.000000	-4.935578	-2.493484
H	0.000000	-7.053599	-1.245772
H	0.000000	-2.464311	2.492092
H	0.000000	-4.935578	2.493484
H	0.000000	-7.053599	1.245772
C	3.500000	0.000000	1.406683
C	3.500000	1.224532	0.727541
C	3.500000	2.463824	1.406276
C	3.500000	3.672444	0.726656
C	3.500000	4.934586	1.408386
C	3.500000	6.108003	0.715689
C	3.500000	0.000000	-1.406683
C	3.500000	1.224532	-0.727541
C	3.500000	2.463824	-1.406276
C	3.500000	3.672444	-0.726656
C	3.500000	4.934586	-1.408386
C	3.500000	6.108003	-0.715689
C	3.500000	-1.224532	-0.727541
C	3.500000	-2.463824	-1.406276
C	3.500000	-3.672444	-0.726656
C	3.500000	-4.934586	-1.408386
C	3.500000	-6.108003	-0.715689
C	3.500000	-1.224532	0.727541
C	3.500000	-2.463824	1.406276
C	3.500000	-3.672444	0.726656
C	3.500000	-4.934586	1.408386
C	3.500000	-6.108003	0.715689
H	3.500000	0.000000	2.492435
H	3.500000	2.464311	2.492092
H	3.500000	4.935578	2.493484
H	3.500000	7.053599	1.245772
H	3.500000	0.000000	-2.492435
H	3.500000	2.464311	-2.492092
H	3.500000	4.935578	-2.493484
H	3.500000	7.053599	-1.245772
H	3.500000	-2.464311	-2.492092
H	3.500000	-4.935578	-2.493484
H	3.500000	-7.053599	-1.245772
H	3.500000	-2.464311	2.492092
H	3.500000	-4.935578	2.493484
H	3.500000	-7.053599	1.245772

basis spherical
 * library "6-31+g*"

# convergence diis 3
 maxiter 1000
 grid fine
 xc b3lyp
 vectors input atomic output dimer.movecs
 convergence ncydp 0 damp 45 dampon 1d99 dampoff 1d-4
set quickguess t
task dft energy

Clicked A Few Times
Dear Edo,

Thanks a lot for the input! I found the options:
convergence ncydp 0 damp 45 dampon 1d99 dampoff 1d-4

in another post in the forum and tried them successfully!

Moreover, while searching for solutions, I managed to get convergence using another approach: I just ran a RHF SCF single point energy calculation and resume with the obtained movecs:
 maxiter 500
 vectors input atomic output hfd.movecs
task scf energy
 convergence diis 4
 maxiter 500
 grid fine
 xc b3lyp
 vectors input hfd.movecs output dimer.movecs
task dft energy

By the way, it would be really nice if NWCHEM documentation includes an entry for the ET FMO method. The only guidance I had on this very helpful module was from the etrans-fmo QA example...

Again, many thanks!

Best regards,

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