Simple dimer DFT calculation with diffuse basis set

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Hi all!

I've been having a lot of trouble while trying some basis DFT energy calculations on molecular dimers using diffuse basis sets.

This is a quite simple case: the pentacene cofacial stack (

title "pentacene_b3lyp_6-31+gs"
start  pentacene_b3lyp_6-31+gs

geometry noautoz noautosym nocenter
C	0.000000	0.000000	1.406683
C	0.000000	1.224532	0.727541
C	0.000000	2.463824	1.406276
C	0.000000	3.672444	0.726656
C	0.000000	4.934586	1.408386
C	0.000000	6.108003	0.715689
C	0.000000	0.000000	-1.406683
C	0.000000	1.224532	-0.727541
C	0.000000	2.463824	-1.406276
C	0.000000	3.672444	-0.726656
C	0.000000	4.934586	-1.408386
C	0.000000	6.108003	-0.715689
C	0.000000	-1.224532	-0.727541
C	0.000000	-2.463824	-1.406276
C	0.000000	-3.672444	-0.726656
C	0.000000	-4.934586	-1.408386
C	0.000000	-6.108003	-0.715689
C	0.000000	-1.224532	0.727541
C	0.000000	-2.463824	1.406276
C	0.000000	-3.672444	0.726656
C	0.000000	-4.934586	1.408386
C	0.000000	-6.108003	0.715689
H	0.000000	0.000000	2.492435
H	0.000000	2.464311	2.492092
H	0.000000	4.935578	2.493484
H	0.000000	7.053599	1.245772
H	0.000000	0.000000	-2.492435
H	0.000000	2.464311	-2.492092
H	0.000000	4.935578	-2.493484
H	0.000000	7.053599	-1.245772
H	0.000000	-2.464311	-2.492092
H	0.000000	-4.935578	-2.493484
H	0.000000	-7.053599	-1.245772
H	0.000000	-2.464311	2.492092
H	0.000000	-4.935578	2.493484
H	0.000000	-7.053599	1.245772
C	3.500000	0.000000	1.406683
C	3.500000	1.224532	0.727541
C	3.500000	2.463824	1.406276
C	3.500000	3.672444	0.726656
C	3.500000	4.934586	1.408386
C	3.500000	6.108003	0.715689
C	3.500000	0.000000	-1.406683
C	3.500000	1.224532	-0.727541
C	3.500000	2.463824	-1.406276
C	3.500000	3.672444	-0.726656
C	3.500000	4.934586	-1.408386
C	3.500000	6.108003	-0.715689
C	3.500000	-1.224532	-0.727541
C	3.500000	-2.463824	-1.406276
C	3.500000	-3.672444	-0.726656
C	3.500000	-4.934586	-1.408386
C	3.500000	-6.108003	-0.715689
C	3.500000	-1.224532	0.727541
C	3.500000	-2.463824	1.406276
C	3.500000	-3.672444	0.726656
C	3.500000	-4.934586	1.408386
C	3.500000	-6.108003	0.715689
H	3.500000	0.000000	2.492435
H	3.500000	2.464311	2.492092
H	3.500000	4.935578	2.493484
H	3.500000	7.053599	1.245772
H	3.500000	0.000000	-2.492435
H	3.500000	2.464311	-2.492092
H	3.500000	4.935578	-2.493484
H	3.500000	7.053599	-1.245772
H	3.500000	-2.464311	-2.492092
H	3.500000	-4.935578	-2.493484
H	3.500000	-7.053599	-1.245772
H	3.500000	-2.464311	2.492092
H	3.500000	-4.935578	2.493484
H	3.500000	-7.053599	1.245772

 * library "6-31+g*"

 convergence diis 3
 maxiter 1000
 grid fine
 xc b3lyp
 vectors input atomic output dimer.movecs
task dft energy

The SCF cycle starts like that:
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis     1  -1638.2924516151 -6.63D+03  2.27D+02  4.95D+03   916.0
 Grid integrated density:     291.997207182703
 Requested integration accuracy:   0.10E-06
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     2  -1596.5938570357  4.17D+01  9.24D+01  4.04D+02  1147.7
 Grid integrated density:     292.000933360791
 Requested integration accuracy:   0.10E-06
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     3   -533.7879528180  1.06D+03  7.82D+00  5.05D+03  1377.1
 Grid integrated density:     292.002854672656
 Requested integration accuracy:   0.10E-06
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis     4  -1198.9782229509 -6.65D+02  1.97D+02  2.15D+03  1606.3
 Grid integrated density:     292.001966967721

and eventually just fails to converge:

 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis    29   1352.8835222278 -1.60D+03  2.90D+00  7.18D+03  6620.0
 Grid integrated density:     292.000050022126
 Requested integration accuracy:   0.10E-06
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis    30   1254.6589767786 -9.82D+01  4.28D+00  5.78D+03  6825.0
 Grid integrated density:     292.002613695296
 Requested integration accuracy:   0.10E-06
 d= 0,ls=0.5,diis    31   3773.8405074356  2.52D+03  5.69D+00  5.06D+03  7029.3

I've also tried the fragment MO method and successive projections from smaller basis (3-21g to 6-31g to 6-31g* to 6-31+g*) but nothing works...

Any input will be highly appreciated!

Best regards,