ROHF RPA TDDFT Excited Energies Calculation of Sc Failed on Mac using PBE0 and aug-cc-pvdz

Forum Vet
The error is
Entering Davidson iterations

 Iter   NTrls   NConv    DeltaV     DeltaE      Time   
---- ------ ------ --------- --------- ---------
1 10 0 0.15E+00 0.10+100 104.5
tddft_diagon: negative excitation energy 0
current input line :
31: task tddft energy
This type of error is most commonly associated with calculations not reaching convergence criteria,
and the input is
memory total 14000 stack 6500 heap 500 global 7000 mb
charge 0

 Sc         0.00000000     0.00000000     0.00000000


basis spherical
Sc library aug-cc-pvdz


xc pbe0
mult 2
iterations 500

nroots 10

task tddft energy,

Forum Vet
How can I compare the results and how can I make the above NWCHEM calculation successful?

Very Best Regards!

Forum Regular
Hi, Did you use the same exchange-correlation functional in the GAMESS and Dalton calculations as you did for the NWChem one ?

-Niri Govind

Forum Vet
Dear Dr. Govind
 I think the calculation may be wrong.

Very Best Regards!

Forum Vet
RPA NWCHEM6.6 calculation is successful with PBE0 and aug-cc-pvtz which gives
Root 1 a 0.000702294 a.u. 0.0191 eV
 <S2> =   0.9599
Root 2 a 0.000810231 a.u. 0.0220 eV
<S2> = 0.9603
... ,
the closest to that of the NIST data.

Forum Vet
There is something happening about this calculation with NWCHEM6.8 on macOS High Sierra with GCC 7.2.0, mpich 3.2.1 and Xcode 9.2.
First, the calculation using aug-cc-pvtz could not converge
Entering Davidson iterations

 Iter   NTrls   NConv    DeltaV     DeltaE      Time   
---- ------ ------ --------- --------- ---------
1 10 0 0.15E+00 0.10+100 328.3
tddft_diagon: negative excitation energy 0
Second, the one with aug-cc-pvdz was successful for one time

 Root   1         a              0.000479490 a.u.                0.0130 eV 
<S2> = 0.9633
Root 2 a 0.000721485 a.u. 0.0196 eV
<S2> = 0.9615
Root 3 a 0.001720248 a.u. 0.0468 eV
<S2> = 0.8747

 Root   4         a              0.010212053 a.u.                0.2779 eV 
<S2> = 0.7555
but failed when the computer was restarted using the same input
...Entering Davidson iterations

 Iter   NTrls   NConv    DeltaV     DeltaE      Time   
---- ------ ------ --------- --------- ---------
1 10 0 0.15E+00 0.10+100 151.3
2 30 0 0.79E-01 0.35E-01 205.2
tddft_diagon: negative excitation energy 0
current input line :
29: task tddft energy

Finally, the repeated CIS TDDFT calculations had a small difference with aug-cc-pvdz:
1. ...

 Root   1         a              0.008091830 a.u.                0.2202 eV 
<S2> = 0.9172
Root 2 a 0.008125684 a.u. 0.2211 eV
<S2> = 0.9172
2. ...

 Root   1         a              0.008077333 a.u.                0.2198 eV 
<S2> = 0.9181

 Root   2         a              0.008115493 a.u.                0.2208 eV 
<S2> = 0.9181

GAMESS gave 0.048eV, 0.048eV and 0.284eV,which could be reproduced from different versions.

Do these mean the rohf calculation using NWCHEM was very unstable in this case and a patch is required?

Thanks a lot.

Very Best regards!

Forum Vet
The GAMESS Tamm-Dancoff approximation calculation gave two degenerate states of 0.238 eVs, which agree with the NWCHEM CIS (TDA) calculation results.

It is remarkabe that this calculation has a great difference between the TDDFT results with and without TDA.

In fact, it is told by GAMESS aug-cc-pvdz is an illegal minimal basis function requested for Sc in this calculation.

Today, the RPA TDDFT calculation also fails with NWCHEM6.8.

By the way, it seems that geometry 0.0 0.0 0.0 gets all 0.0eVs results using NWCHEM6.8 for this calculation, which is not the case for GAMESS.

Forum Vet
There is something really unusual for this calcualtion. For the first time, NWCHME6.8 compiled on Ubuntu17.10 was successful and has somewhat different results from those obtained by that compiled on macOS High Sierra, but the repeated ones all failed.
What is the reason here?

Forum Vet
I started a new calculation using the similar input to that of tddft_he, which can add 2nd order and 3rd order derivatives for many of the functionals, but it still failed at the second root calculation, and the first one is much more larger.

Forum Regular
Hi Xiongyan,

I am looking into this and will get back to you.

-Niri Govind

Forum Vet
Dear Dr. Niri
  Have you found what has caused the porblem here?

  Thanks a lot!

  Very Best Regards?

Forum Vet
A possible conclusion should be drawn as soon as raising the question: the negative excitation energy is irrational and wrong here, becuase it could not be below the reference state here.

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