Accessing electron density from dplot via python

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Dear All,

Within an embedded python script in a NWChem 6.5 calculation, I am rotating a molecule and obtaining
its ESP at these different orientations:

  grid output esp.cube
	#Carry out some rotations
	# Update file name
	rtdb_put('prop:grid:output', "0_000" +'.cube')
	print task_property('dft')

However, I would also like to obtain an electron density at these conformation as well,
and following the pattern above, it seems that dplot should be able to do this:


	#Carry out some rotations
        # Update file name
        rtdb_put('dplot:File_Out', "0_000" +'.density.cube')
	print dplot

However, this does not work; I understand dplot is special in some way. Is there anyway I can access the electron density within the python script in the same way that I have obtained the ESP above?

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Looking more into the source, would it be possible to use the ELECTRONDENSITY property, i.e. the call to hnd_eldmap, and add cube writing functionality to this routine in a similar way hnd_elfmap and hnd_elpmap this ability?

Clicked A Few Times
OK, it would appear that I may have some form of a solution in a patch to hnd_elpmap. Does the following approach seem reasonable?

--- /tmp/Nwchem-6.5.revision26243-src.2014-09-10/src/property/hnd_elpmap.F      2014-09-10 19:08:56.000000000 +0100
+++ ./property/hnd_elpmap.F     2015-04-27 13:39:43.997092910 +0100
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ c
       character*16 element, at_tag
       integer iat, atn, nat, i
       integer l_xyzpt, k_xyzpt, l_zanpt, k_zanpt, l_epot, k_epot
+      integer l_eden, k_eden
       integer nefc, l_efcc, k_efcc, l_efcz, k_efcz
       integer g_dens(3),ndens,nclosed(2),nopen(2),nvirt(2)
       character*3 scftyp
@@ -160,12 +161,21 @@ c     total electric field array (M.V.)
 c     --------------------------------
       if (.not. ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nprp,'tot epot',l_tepot,k_tepot))
      &    call errquit('hnd_elfmap: ma failed',911,MA_ERR)
+      if (.not. ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nprp,'eden',l_eden,k_eden))
+     &    call errquit('hnd_elpmap: eden ma failed',911,MA_ERR)
 c     ----- calculate electronic contribution at all points -----
       call hnd_elfcon(basis,geom,g_dens(ndens),dbl_mb(i_prp_c),nprp,
      &                dbl_mb(k_epot),0)

+c     ----- calculate electron density                     ------
+      call hnd_elfcon(basis,geom,g_dens(ndens),dbl_mb(i_prp_c),nprp,
+     &                dbl_mb(k_eden),-1)
       dobq = .false.
       if(geom_extbq_on()) then
         dobq = .true.
@@ -311,6 +321,14 @@ c
         call util_print_centered(luout,
      >    "writing esp potential to "//cube_name,.true.,.true.)
         call prop_grid_write_cube(geom,nprp,dbl_mb(k_tepot),cube_name)
+        if (.not. rtdb_cget(rtdb, "prop:grid:output",1,cube_name))
+     >     call util_file_prefix("eld.cube",cube_name)
+        cube_name = trim(cube_name)//'_eld.cube'
+        call util_print_centered(luout,
+     >    "writing electron density to "//cube_name,.true.,.true.)
+        call prop_grid_write_cube(geom,nprp,dbl_mb(k_eden),cube_name)
       end if

@@ -325,10 +343,13 @@ c     ----------------------------------
 c     ------- Deallocate MA memory ------
+      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_eden)) call errquit
+     &   ('hnd_elpmap, ma_pop_stack of l_eden failed',911,MA_ERR)
       if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_tepot)) call errquit
      &   ('hnd_elpmap, ma_pop_stack of l_tepot failed',911,MA_ERR)
       if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_epot)) call errquit

Forum Vet
It seems reasonable to me.
Does it seem to produce meaningful results?

Clicked A Few Times
Thank you for inspecting the patch. Yes, comparing this density to the output from another QM code seems OK, as well as to the output from a dplot calculation (which is not supported via the python interface):

  TITLE Density
   -4.611 4.718 107
   -5.058 4.295 108
   -4.042 4.042 93
  spin total
  output density.cube

Visual inspection via VMD also seems OK.

A little background on why I'm doing this. I'm essentially carrying out multiple MEP calculations on the same molecule at different orientations to average discretization effects from the projection onto a grid. I am using the MEP at a specific isosurface at which the electron density has a value of 0.002 (hence the need for these two cubes). This MEP isosurface is then used for a "coarse grained" abstraction reducing the molecule down to a set of Surface Site Interaction Points (SSIPs). More about this approach can be found here:

I am thinking perhaps of perhaps submitting a patch so that NWChem code so that for the property esp, one can pass an option to only calculate the MEP values at a specific electron density isovalue (within a tolerance), but this may require a bit more work than the patch above to write just the electron density.

As an aside, the python interface is extremely useful for bespoke and non-standard calculations; I really appreciate this functionality.

Forum Vet
I have just checked this patch into the NWChem repository.
Could I get your name and affiliation so that the contribution does not remain anonymous?

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Dear Edoapra,

That's great; thank you for that. I'm Mark Williamson, Cambridge University, UK

Forum Vet
Thanks for your contribution

Clicked A Few Times
Dear Edoapra,

As a follow up to this, I have implemented a few more grid related fixes and an extra option to specify the step size of the grid spacing as an input, as opposed to its internal hard-coded value of 0.2 A. When this is invoked, the cap of 50 points per grid direction is removed.

In addition, I have added a functionality so that only a subset of electrostatic potential grid points that lie on a user specified electron density surface (within a specified tolerance) are calculated. It would be really great if these could make it back to the original code.

There are quite a few changes, sprinkled over multiple files, and an extra file. I'm wondering if there is a better way to apply these rather than pasting multiple patches to this forum. In addition, I have a few queries about my changes, hence the patches may go through a few iterations. I notice Jeff has a git repository ( that is tracking original SVN repo at . In theory, I could fork Jeff's github repo at its current HEAD and then issue a pull request, however, I am not sure how easy it would then be to back propagate this to the SVN repository.

What action do you recommend?



Gets Around

I'm going to help Mark with this, but I don't plan to use git-svn to commit changes to the PNNL repo.

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Is there any update on this?

I have a pull request (but with a few questions) at:

If there is anything more I can do, please let me know.

Thanks again,


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