Accessing electron density from dplot via python

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Thank you for inspecting the patch. Yes, comparing this density to the output from another QM code seems OK, as well as to the output from a dplot calculation (which is not supported via the python interface):

  TITLE Density
   -4.611 4.718 107
   -5.058 4.295 108
   -4.042 4.042 93
  spin total
  output density.cube

Visual inspection via VMD also seems OK.

A little background on why I'm doing this. I'm essentially carrying out multiple MEP calculations on the same molecule at different orientations to average discretization effects from the projection onto a grid. I am using the MEP at a specific isosurface at which the electron density has a value of 0.002 (hence the need for these two cubes). This MEP isosurface is then used for a "coarse grained" abstraction reducing the molecule down to a set of Surface Site Interaction Points (SSIPs). More about this approach can be found here:

I am thinking perhaps of perhaps submitting a patch so that NWChem code so that for the property esp, one can pass an option to only calculate the MEP values at a specific electron density isovalue (within a tolerance), but this may require a bit more work than the patch above to write just the electron density.

As an aside, the python interface is extremely useful for bespoke and non-standard calculations; I really appreciate this functionality.