I think I found the problem for one molecule.
For the nwchem job, the RHF didn't converge. (the molpro job may be not correct either)
I got the error message in the scf step.
Here, would you please have a look to help me fix this issue ?
The input :
start mno4h.1ap.cs.ccsdt.ad
permanent_dir /home/****
memory stack 1000 mb heap 200 mb global 2100 mb noverify
title "hmno4.ccsdt.ad CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ(-PP)//B3LYP/cc-pVDZ(-PP)"
charge 0
symmetry c1
MN -0.080460 0.007636 0.000000
O 1.665752 0.086143 0.000000
H 2.077332 -0.793971 0.000000
O -0.557994 -0.749674 1.277449
O -0.557994 1.488591 0.000000
O -0.557994 -0.749674 -1.277449
basis spherical
H library aug-cc-pVDZ
O library aug-cc-pVDZ
Mn library aug-cc-pVDZ-PP #omitted here, for calculation, i put correct basis sets with ecp
set atomscf:z 1.0 -2 7.0
set atomscf:tags_z H O Mn
vectors output mno4h.1ap.cs.ccsdt.ad.movecs
maxiter 200
task scf
maxiter 60
thresh 1e-6
freeze atomic
task ccsd(t)
erro message:
iter energy gnorm gmax time
----- ------------------- --------- --------- --------
1 -394.7142739629 1.49D+01 4.54D+00 3.1
Setting level-shift to 11.11 to force positive preconditioner
2 -402.1822934857 2.64D+00 4.43D-01 3.4
3 -402.4827505038 1.97D+00 3.83D-01 3.5
4 -402.5946928243 8.77D-01 1.48D-01 3.7
5 -402.6440042851 3.86D-01 6.85D-02 3.8
6 -402.6667435139 2.21D-01 6.35D-02 4.2
7 -402.6701957197 2.12D-02 6.03D-03 4.4
ga_iter_lsolve: convergence stagnant ... aborting solve
8 -402.6710875676 3.90D-02 1.07D-02 5.2
9 -402.6712445617 1.51D-03 5.10D-04 5.7
ga_iter_lsolve: convergence stagnant ... aborting solve
Disabled NR: increased maxiter to 210
10 -402.6712449429 2.11D-03 8.37D-04 5.8
11 -402.6712461508 2.14D-03 6.32D-04 5.9
12 -402.6712468975 2.69D-03 8.66D-04 6.0
13 -402.6712475049 2.32D-03 6.75D-04 6.1
14 -402.6712480031 1.89D-03 3.77D-04 6.2
15 -402.6712482699 1.31D-03 3.43D-04 6.3
16 -402.6712484015 1.08D-03 2.57D-04 6.4
17 -402.6712484964 7.35D-04 1.74D-04 6.5
18 -402.6712485453 5.92D-04 1.23D-04 6.5
19 -402.6712485693 5.14D-04 1.20D-04 6.6
20 -402.6712485929 4.52D-04 1.04D-04 6.7
21 -402.6712486132 4.36D-04 9.50D-05 6.7
22 -402.6712486325 4.75D-04 1.38D-04 6.8
23 -402.6712486526 4.77D-04 1.04D-04 6.8
24 -402.6712486689 3.00D-04 1.07D-04 6.9
25 -402.6712486808 2.89D-04 9.44D-05 7.0
26 -402.6712486864 2.14D-04 5.86D-05 7.1
27 -402.6712486913 1.68D-04 4.05D-05 7.2
28 -402.6712486938 1.39D-04 3.12D-05 7.3
29 -402.6712486953 1.33D-04 3.44D-05 7.4
30 -402.6712486972 9.62D-05 1.85D-05 7.5
I tried to play around to get rid of symmetry or increase the iteration steps, or set atomscf, et al, the problem was still there.
Thanks a lot.