Why does nwchem give different results from Molpro does?

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Here is the input that will give you a converged SCF by first using the DIIS convergence out of the DFT module

start mno4h.1ap.cs.ccsdt.ad
permanent_dir /home/****
memory stack 1000 mb heap 200 mb global 2100 mb noverify
title "hmno4.ccsdt.ad CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ(-PP)//B3LYP/cc-pVDZ(-PP)"

charge 0

symmetry c1
 MN   -0.080460    0.007636    0.000000
 O      1.665752    0.086143    0.000000
 H      2.077332   -0.793971    0.000000
 O     -0.557994   -0.749674    1.277449
 O     -0.557994    1.488591    0.000000
 O     -0.557994   -0.749674   -1.277449

basis spherical
H library aug-cc-pVDZ
O library aug-cc-pVDZ
# cc-pVDZ-PP
Mn s
      2080.37   0.000159
      304.649   0.000994
      22.2505   0.051511
      7.56933   -0.393048
      1.56197   0.740590
      0.654311   0.457874
      0.107776   0.016591
      0.039409   -0.002586
Mn s
      2080.37   -0.000038
      304.649   -0.000277
      22.2505   -0.012210
      7.56933   0.101296
      1.56197   -0.238569
      0.654311   -0.258056
      0.107776   0.577934
      0.039409   0.565458
Mn s
      2080.37   0.000099
      304.649   0.000494
      22.2505   0.030238
      7.56933   -0.242022
      1.56197   0.945993
      0.654311   -0.407703
      0.107776   -1.658454
      0.039409   1.634148
Mn s
      0.039409   1.0
Mn p
      54.1365   0.003585
      11.5345   -0.068823
      2.91993   0.345476
      1.31207   0.506638
      0.565154   0.262497
      0.153142   0.021029
      0.048714   -0.002835
Mn p
      54.1365   -0.000772
      11.5345   0.016640
      2.91993   -0.096406
      1.31207   -0.166698
      0.565154   -0.014675
      0.153142   0.545351
      0.048714   0.564209
Mn p
      54.1365   -0.000978
      11.5345   0.021319
      2.91993   -0.121381
      1.31207   -0.222495
      0.565154   -0.016634
      0.153142   0.799219
      0.048714   0.296449
Mn p
      0.048714   1.0
Mn d
      34.4465   0.021926
      10.7969   0.112236
      3.83655   0.293563
      1.39838   0.427063
      0.476480   0.377381
      0.138120   0.145135
Mn d
      34.4465   -0.022540
      10.7969   -0.118668
      3.83655   -0.309567
      1.39838   -0.302288
      0.476480   0.306841
      0.138120   0.714822
Mn d
      0.138120   1.0
Mn f
      1.3394   1.0
# aug-cc-pVDZ-PP
Mn s
      0.0144   1.0
Mn p
      0.0155   1.0
Mn d
      0.0400   1.0
Mn f
      0.3976   1.0

Mn nelec 10
Mn S
2    19.77859586351460   208.36277759981999
2     8.36429231183498    40.67136312517160
Mn P
2    19.75517256031370    42.82221279051267
2    19.58138625787880    74.14325787868533
2     8.09003570055466     8.57859438555583
2     8.31459920850757    20.38995721451193
Mn D
2    24.19571159002280    -9.37867882820444
2    24.53647306721080   -14.14683917959722
2     7.95149778468298    -0.29670061844163
2     7.93161326885935    -0.44295145020000
Mn F
2    12.19160291115040    -2.56699301425514
2    14.77200557195830    -5.28909520512491

xc hfexch
convergence energy 1d-10
tolerances acccoul 12
vectors input atomic output dft.mos
maxiter 45
set quickguess t
task dft ignore

tol2e 1d-12
vectors input dft.mos output hf.mos

  maxiter 60
  thresh 1e-6
  freeze atomic

task ccsd(t)