EOM-CCSDT right-hand side iterations ga create failure

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Dear Edo,

Quote:Edoapra Sep 12th 5:43 pm

I was able to run your input.

No. of initial right vectors 1

EOM-CCSDT right-hand side iterations
Residuum Omega / hartree Omega / eV Cpu Wall

Iteration   1 using    1 trial vectors
Iteration  16 using   16 trial vectors

did the computation finish? I've checked your memory setting on a node having 80 CPUs (512GB of memory) and the computation went to iteration 16 and then did fail (in the same fashion as mentioned above). ;-( I've tried both NWChem version 6.0 and 6.1.1 -- both did fail in the same point of computation... ;-(

So, were there any other iterations or a summary, that the computation had provided?

Thank you VERY MUCH for your time to help me -- I really appreciate it.

Tom Rebok.