EOM-CCSDT right-hand side iterations ga create failure

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Forum Vet
I was able to run your input.
Here is the input and snippets of the output.
Cheers, Edo

start cis1
memory stack 1500 mb heap 100 mb global 2000 mb noverify

geometry units bohr
S 0.000000000 0.073468702 -1.957631386
N 0.000000000 -1.017192265 1.304155528
O 0.000000000 0.582796470 2.868174306
H 0.000000000 2.547479474 -1.383337299

basis spherical
S library aug-cc-pVDZ
N library aug-cc-pVDZ
O library aug-cc-pVDZ
H library aug-cc-pVDZ


tilesize 8
freeze core atomic
nroots 1
targetsym a'
thresh 1.0d-5
task tce energy

  date          = Wed Sep 12 16:12:45 2012

   compiled      = Wed_May_30_15:23:08_2012
source = /pic/people/edo/nwchem-6.1
nwchem branch = 6.1
input = nwchem.nw
prefix = cis1.
data base = ./cis1.db
status = startup
nproc = 256

No. of initial right vectors 1

EOM-CCSDT right-hand side iterations
Residuum Omega / hartree Omega / eV Cpu Wall

Iteration   1 using    1 trial vectors
0.6192561515519 0.3965867791628 10.79168 95.5 99.9

Iteration   2 using    2 trial vectors
0.3624777496309 0.2629666980694 7.15569 97.3 101.6

Iteration   3 using    3 trial vectors
0.1561541438865 0.2582011459083 7.02601 98.4 102.7

Iteration   4 using    4 trial vectors
0.1276825777206 0.2513184634665 6.83873 99.5 103.8

Iteration   5 using    5 trial vectors
0.1186184203433 0.2376177392172 6.46591 100.6 105.2

Iteration   6 using    6 trial vectors
0.1188635472437 0.2290289554531 6.23220 101.6 106.1

Iteration   7 using    7 trial vectors
0.1291611505929 0.2197235394909 5.97898 102.9 107.4

Iteration   8 using    8 trial vectors
0.1468880320698 0.2060810964832 5.60775 104.4 108.9

Iteration   9 using    9 trial vectors
0.1251686314517 0.1930716802431 5.25375 105.4 109.9

Iteration  10 using   10 trial vectors
0.1100535263580 0.1861806499752 5.06624 106.4 110.9

Iteration  11 using   11 trial vectors
0.1218304773119 0.1778242760306 4.83885 107.4 112.0

Iteration  12 using   12 trial vectors
0.1497078933265 0.1651713555468 4.49454 109.5 114.1

Iteration  13 using   13 trial vectors
0.1210019112423 0.1521438861275 4.14005 110.0 114.7

Iteration  14 using   14 trial vectors
0.0736948137376 0.1468017646392 3.99468 111.2 115.9

Iteration  15 using   15 trial vectors
0.0406155889687 0.1450461088342 3.94691 112.9 117.5

Iteration  16 using   16 trial vectors