nwchem output files and debug during execution

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Hi, NWChemers,

I am running a problem of running nwchem with the following test run. The problem is that job has been run for quite a while but i do not see any output files in the directory yet? I was expecting some files such as *.db etc and eece.out file from "ecce_print ecce.out". I am wondering whether it is something wrong with my input that prevent output files or it is the cluster that i am running on? So I want to check my input before bothering my sys admins. Can I add some input control to make nwchem output some info for debug during the run? Any suggestions to improve the following input file to make it run faster and make debugging during the nwchem execution ? I kind of feel uncomfortable while I can not monitor the execution of the nwchem.

Thanks for your help!

Title "opt"

Start opt

memory stack 400 mb heap 600 mb global 1000 mb

charge 0

geometry noautosym units angstrom
N     -0.0110000     0.00000     0.201000
C 0.0160000 0.00000 1.37200
C 0.0520000 0.00000 2.85200
H -0.975000 0.00000 3.24800
H 0.580000 -0.898000 3.20900
H 0.580000 0.898000 3.20900

ecce_print ecce.out

basis spherical noprint
  * library aug-cc-pVDZ 
  thresh 1.0e-6
tol2e 1.0e-8
semidirect memsize 62914560 filesize 0

task mp2 optimize

maxiter 999
thresh 1e-8
io ga

set tce:lineresp T
set tce:respaxis T T T
set tce:afreq 0.0

task tce energy
task tce frequencies

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