A error about: task sodft energy

Clicked A Few Times
Hi, all
I've got the following error while running a sodft calculation:

     Superposition of Atomic Density Guess

Sum of atomic energies: -9154.38972369

Renormalizing density from    1102.00 to   1103

Integral file          = ./Au58.aoints.000
Record size in doubles = 65536 No. of integs per rec = 43688
Max. records in memory = 0 Max. records in file = 1484374
No. of bits per label = 16 No. of bits per value = 32

#quartets = 1.003D+10 #integrals = 5.969D+11 #direct =  0.0% #cached =100.0%

File balance: exchanges= 383 moved=****** time=5690.9

Non-variational initial energy

Total energy =   -7848.438010
1-e energy = -126811.910551
2-e energy = 62492.511107
HOMO = -0.118892
LUMO = -0.108705

ga_orthog: hard zero 5067
This error has not yet been assigned to a category
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 
No section for this category

0:0:ga_orthog: hard zero:: 5067
Last System Error Message from Task 0:: Inappropriate ioctl for device
ga_orthog: hard zero     5067
This error has not yet been assigned to a category
For more information see the NWChem manual at

For further details see manual section: 
No section for this category

The inputfile is:
start Au58

title "tutorial demonstrating the use of a ecp"

memory total 1500 mb

charge -1

Au -4.98544600 -0.98923700 2.30981600
Au -0.66274400 -4.18034800 3.01643800
Au 2.71783000 2.25122700 3.75253300
Au -1.77135600 2.89784900 3.96533800
Au -4.23659800 -1.60923500 -3.28153700
Au 5.12739700 0.07880400 0.22656300
Au -2.71251600 -2.32859300 3.43227400
Au 2.00832400 4.28713600 1.91235200
Au -4.32049200 3.48343300 -1.10087700
Au 4.93343700 0.52383500 3.07552100
Au 4.25324700 2.12898600 -1.63909300
Au -1.98939900 4.91181000 -0.73756800
Au 0.18067800 1.98701400 2.23581500
Au 4.33925700 -2.49802300 -0.85146700
Au -3.22418900 -3.54293000 -1.47330400
Au -0.38867200 4.71941000 -3.07478200
Au 0.43882200 -0.82334500 -4.60311400
Au 0.43805400 1.07164200 4.90607900
Au -1.31641800 -2.55130400 0.70832300
Au 2.56747100 -0.73001700 4.28807600
Au -4.24126700 1.55062600 3.35867800
Au 4.96036800 -0.36068800 -2.63657400
Au 1.66252300 -2.34383300 0.68329700
Au -3.37325900 3.59039300 1.60008200
Au 2.01442700 -3.38164900 3.30321700
Au -4.83819400 1.28457500 0.56301700
Au 2.07570000 3.47923100 -2.90458800
Au 2.20753900 -4.25171900 -1.61478200
Au -0.00819200 -1.26170200 3.15051800
Au 2.47098200 0.30128600 1.64238500
Au 2.60443300 0.87995400 -3.88592200
Au 4.26509000 -2.01001700 2.09986700
Au 2.49074700 -0.20361400 -1.17796200
Au 0.05764600 2.22844900 -4.64637600
Au 0.02080300 -0.08837000 0.34878100
Au -4.11989800 -3.39323000 1.20155500
Au -2.38979100 2.81262300 -3.08082100
Au 0.26873900 -1.97542300 -1.81803100
Au -2.17291400 0.22238500 -4.15239800
Au -4.41562700 0.97347200 -2.28858000
Au -5.02377100 -1.32760400 -0.54389200
Au -1.73783400 -2.64626000 -3.78989000
Au 2.89259100 -2.01783100 -3.44758500
Au 0.73499200 5.19709400 -0.51760500
Au -2.14875700 0.12445400 4.67530700
Au -2.29161700 -0.65739400 -1.24146200
Au -0.01666800 0.95957500 -2.26623300
Au 3.44428900 4.59843800 -0.61830200
Au 4.27018700 2.63868300 1.25813100
Au -2.34548900 0.09932300 1.78174600
Au -2.09049300 -5.23968500 0.63928700
Au 0.74358400 -5.09420900 0.73725800
Au -0.79338100 4.64768100 1.87123600
Au -0.65043800 -4.70008700 -1.78805500
Au 0.79829300 -3.71041500 -4.06584600
Au -1.71905400 2.09360700 -0.22041300
Au 1.49571700 2.38091000 -0.27899500
Au 3.50130800 -4.48714400 1.00256400

Au S
     2.4651000              1.0000000        
Au S
     1.9431000              1.0000000        
Au S
     0.5613000              1.0000000        
Au S
     0.1452000              1.0000000        
Au S
     0.0503900              1.0000000        
Au P
     3.5306000              1.0000000        
Au P
     2.6122000              1.0000000        
Au P
     0.9813000              1.0000000        
Au P
     0.4266000              1.0000000        
Au P
     0.1475000              1.0000000        
Au D
     1.3366000              1.0000000        
Au D
     0.5035000              1.0000000        
Au D
     0.1940000              1.0000000        
Au D
     0.0756000              1.0000000 

Au nelec 60
Au ul
2 2.07069993 -0.90820301
2 5.28779984 -13.97286034
2 13.28610039 -78.04593658
2 38.22499847 -150.67013550
2 120.82949829 -433.79324341
1 415.27328491 -53.92461777
Au S
2 2.81620002 -45.11843872
2 3.12030005 109.24782562
2 4.16239977 -184.75865173
2 6.38819981 436.13348389
2 10.11999989 -356.46279907
2 17.04649925 411.84240723
1 50.50329971 31.95258903
0 39.28239822 6.79167795
Au P
2 2.41569996 -30.62415695
2 2.79209995 101.11966705
2 3.67700005 -210.51446533
2 5.37360001 435.37313843
2 8.36999989 -396.14450073
2 13.32330036 368.87313843
1 37.15980148 31.59367371
0 37.42219925 5.83880520
Au D
2 1.87390006 -34.10911942
2 2.11870003 100.58750153
2 2.69359994 -172.30566406
2 3.81640005 290.82238770
2 5.69740009 -292.96429443
2 8.62959957 275.67791748
1 19.68020058 30.37005806
0 25.98660088 7.86203289
Au F
2 1.43149996 40.06137466
2 1.65450001 -128.38630676
2 2.16300011 247.77139282
2 3.08719993 -342.54879761
2 4.65740013 359.27548218
2 6.90420008 -182.27494812
1 10.14780045 53.49130630
0 47.02579880 4.28036213
Au p
2 2.415700 20.831138
2 2.792100 -55.173904
2 3.677000 67.313564
2 5.373600 -17.020942
2 8.370000 -45.124680
2 13.323300 23.440232
1 37.159800 -5.458496
0 37.422200 .156970
Au d
2 1.873900 1.020373
2 2.118700 -1.781020
2 2.693600 -.987213
2 3.816400 10.584266
2 5.697400 -18.154486
2 8.629600 10.498401
1 19.680200 -.745309
0 25.986600 .038670
Au f
2 1.431500 1.100953
2 1.654500 -3.519561
2 2.163000 6.730668
2 3.087200 -9.073041
2 4.657400 7.478326
2 6.904200 -3.261827
1 10.147800 .076227
0 47.025800 -.007474
Au g
2 2.070700 -.006998
2 5.287800 .008684
2 13.286100 .074875
2 38.225000 .601742
2 120.829500 1.616524
1 415.273300 2.676910

 mult 2
xc pbe0
semidirect memsize 100000000
iterations 1000
task sodft energy

I run the sodft calculation in nwchem6.3.
The settings/commands used to compile NWChem is:

export NWCHEM_TOP=/opt/nwchem/nwchem-src-2013-07-19
export NWCHEM_MODULES="all python"

export IB_HOME=/usr
export IB_INCLUDE=$IB_HOME/include
export IB_LIB=$IB_HOME/lib
export IB_LIB_NAME="-libcm -lpthread -libverbs -libumad -lpthread -lrt"
  1. export IB_LIB_NAME="-libcm -lpthread"


export LIB_DEFINES="-DDFLT_TOT_MEM=171349760"
export TCGRSH=/usr/bin/ssh
cd $NWCHEM_TOP/src
export USE_MPI=y
export USE_MPIF=y
export USE_MPIF4=y
export MPI_LOC=/home/scc/intel/impi/
export MPI_LIB=$MPI_LOC/lib64
export MPI_INCLUDE=$MPI_LOC/include64
export LIBMPI="-L/home/scc/intel/impi/ -lmpigf -lmpigi -lmpi_ilp64 -lmpi"

export PYTHONHOME=/usr
export USE_PYTHON64=y
  1. source /opt/intel/composerxe/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
  2. source /opt/intel/impi/4.0.3/bin64/mpivars.sh
  3. source /opt/intel/composerxe/mkl/bin/intel64/mklvars_intel64.sh

source /home/scc/intel/composerxe/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
source /home/scc/intel/impi/
source /home/scc/intel/mkl/bin/mklvars.sh intel64

  1. intel MKL
export MKLLIB=/home/scc/intel/mkl/lib/intel64
export MKLINC=/home/scc/intel/mkl/include
export MKLLINK1="-lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_blacs_ilp64 -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_ilp64 -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lmkl_blacs_lp64 -lmkl_blas95_ilp64 -lmkl_blas95_lp64 -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_scalapack_ilp64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 "
export MKLLINK2=" -lmkl_core -lmkl_lapack95_lp64 -liomp5 -lpthread"
export MKLROOT=/opt/intel/composerxe/mkl
  1. export BLASOPT="-L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lpthread -lm"

export FC="ifort -i8 -I${MKLROOT}/include"
export CC="icc -DMKL_ILP64 -I${MKLROOT}/include"
make nwchem_config
make -j 6 FC=ifort CC=icc > nwchem_config_ib_intel.log

Any help with this problem would be appreciated!

Forum Vet
The Spin-orbit code is a bit more numerical sensitive than the regular DFT code.
I did a quick run on your gold cluster geometry with LDA and I noticed a pretty large gradient.
Has your geometry been optimized? If this is not the case, I would first optimize it,
and then run spin-orbit on it.

Cheers, Edo

Clicked A Few Times
Dear Dr.Edo,
Thanks for your reply.
The geometry of Au58 cluster has been optimized by Dmol3 at PBE/DNP+ level. I want to calculate its single point energy using sodft at PBE0/CRENBL+SO basis set based on the geometry. I calculate several times, but failed. I test the Au20 at PBE0/CRENBL+SO level. It can be calculated. Whether the CRENBL+SO basis set is very large for Au58 cluster at PBE0 functional?

best wishes,

Forum Vet
Dear Hugh,
I missed one important detail, that is the linear dependence exhibited by you input.
Unfortunately, the spin-orbit code is not able to deal with linear dependencies (while the regular DFT code is).
A way to circumvent this problem is to force NWChem to set the number of linear dependencies to zero (however,
by doing so you might have convergence problems). To achieve this, please insert the following line before the task line

set lindep:n_dep 0

Cheers, Edo

Clicked A Few Times
Dear Edo,
Thanks for your suggestion. I will try it!

best wishes,

Clicked A Few Times
Dear Edo,
I tested the "set lindep: n_dep 0" in input file. It's work with SCF calculation. But another problem arises. The shock appears in scf calculation. I don't know what lead to it.

The input file is:

start Au58

title "tutorial demonstrating the use of a ecp"

memory total 5000 mb

charge -1

Au -4.98544600 -0.98923700 2.30981600
Au -0.66274400 -4.18034800 3.01643800
Au 2.71783000 2.25122700 3.75253300
Au -1.77135600 2.89784900 3.96533800
Au -4.23659800 -1.60923500 -3.28153700
Au 5.12739700 0.07880400 0.22656300
Au -2.71251600 -2.32859300 3.43227400
Au 2.00832400 4.28713600 1.91235200
Au -4.32049200 3.48343300 -1.10087700
Au 4.93343700 0.52383500 3.07552100
Au 4.25324700 2.12898600 -1.63909300
Au -1.98939900 4.91181000 -0.73756800
Au 0.18067800 1.98701400 2.23581500
Au 4.33925700 -2.49802300 -0.85146700
Au -3.22418900 -3.54293000 -1.47330400
Au -0.38867200 4.71941000 -3.07478200
Au 0.43882200 -0.82334500 -4.60311400
Au 0.43805400 1.07164200 4.90607900
Au -1.31641800 -2.55130400 0.70832300
Au 2.56747100 -0.73001700 4.28807600
Au -4.24126700 1.55062600 3.35867800
Au 4.96036800 -0.36068800 -2.63657400
Au 1.66252300 -2.34383300 0.68329700
Au -3.37325900 3.59039300 1.60008200
Au 2.01442700 -3.38164900 3.30321700
Au -4.83819400 1.28457500 0.56301700
Au 2.07570000 3.47923100 -2.90458800
Au 2.20753900 -4.25171900 -1.61478200
Au -0.00819200 -1.26170200 3.15051800
Au 2.47098200 0.30128600 1.64238500
Au 2.60443300 0.87995400 -3.88592200
Au 4.26509000 -2.01001700 2.09986700
Au 2.49074700 -0.20361400 -1.17796200
Au 0.05764600 2.22844900 -4.64637600
Au 0.02080300 -0.08837000 0.34878100
Au -4.11989800 -3.39323000 1.20155500
Au -2.38979100 2.81262300 -3.08082100
Au 0.26873900 -1.97542300 -1.81803100
Au -2.17291400 0.22238500 -4.15239800
Au -4.41562700 0.97347200 -2.28858000
Au -5.02377100 -1.32760400 -0.54389200
Au -1.73783400 -2.64626000 -3.78989000
Au 2.89259100 -2.01783100 -3.44758500
Au 0.73499200 5.19709400 -0.51760500
Au -2.14875700 0.12445400 4.67530700
Au -2.29161700 -0.65739400 -1.24146200
Au -0.01666800 0.95957500 -2.26623300
Au 3.44428900 4.59843800 -0.61830200
Au 4.27018700 2.63868300 1.25813100
Au -2.34548900 0.09932300 1.78174600
Au -2.09049300 -5.23968500 0.63928700
Au 0.74358400 -5.09420900 0.73725800
Au -0.79338100 4.64768100 1.87123600
Au -0.65043800 -4.70008700 -1.78805500
Au 0.79829300 -3.71041500 -4.06584600
Au -1.71905400 2.09360700 -0.22041300
Au 1.49571700 2.38091000 -0.27899500
Au 3.50130800 -4.48714400 1.00256400

Au S
     2.4651000              1.0000000        
Au S
     1.9431000              1.0000000        
Au S
     0.5613000              1.0000000        
Au S
     0.1452000              1.0000000        
Au S
     0.0503900              1.0000000        
Au P
     3.5306000              1.0000000        
Au P
     2.6122000              1.0000000        
Au P
     0.9813000              1.0000000        
Au P
     0.4266000              1.0000000        
Au P
     0.1475000              1.0000000        
Au D
     1.3366000              1.0000000        
Au D
     0.5035000              1.0000000        
Au D
     0.1940000              1.0000000        
Au D
     0.0756000              1.0000000 

Au nelec 60
Au ul
2 2.07069993 -0.90820301
2 5.28779984 -13.97286034
2 13.28610039 -78.04593658
2 38.22499847 -150.67013550
2 120.82949829 -433.79324341
1 415.27328491 -53.92461777
Au S
2 2.81620002 -45.11843872
2 3.12030005 109.24782562
2 4.16239977 -184.75865173
2 6.38819981 436.13348389
2 10.11999989 -356.46279907
2 17.04649925 411.84240723
1 50.50329971 31.95258903
0 39.28239822 6.79167795
Au P
2 2.41569996 -30.62415695
2 2.79209995 101.11966705
2 3.67700005 -210.51446533
2 5.37360001 435.37313843
2 8.36999989 -396.14450073
2 13.32330036 368.87313843
1 37.15980148 31.59367371
0 37.42219925 5.83880520
Au D
2 1.87390006 -34.10911942
2 2.11870003 100.58750153
2 2.69359994 -172.30566406
2 3.81640005 290.82238770
2 5.69740009 -292.96429443
2 8.62959957 275.67791748
1 19.68020058 30.37005806
0 25.98660088 7.86203289
Au F
2 1.43149996 40.06137466
2 1.65450001 -128.38630676
2 2.16300011 247.77139282
2 3.08719993 -342.54879761
2 4.65740013 359.27548218
2 6.90420008 -182.27494812
1 10.14780045 53.49130630
0 47.02579880 4.28036213
Au p
2 2.415700 20.831138
2 2.792100 -55.173904
2 3.677000 67.313564
2 5.373600 -17.020942
2 8.370000 -45.124680
2 13.323300 23.440232
1 37.159800 -5.458496
0 37.422200 .156970
Au d
2 1.873900 1.020373
2 2.118700 -1.781020
2 2.693600 -.987213
2 3.816400 10.584266
2 5.697400 -18.154486
2 8.629600 10.498401
1 19.680200 -.745309
0 25.986600 .038670
Au f
2 1.431500 1.100953
2 1.654500 -3.519561
2 2.163000 6.730668
2 3.087200 -9.073041
2 4.657400 7.478326
2 6.904200 -3.261827
1 10.147800 .076227
0 47.025800 -.007474
Au g
2 2.070700 -.006998
2 5.287800 .008684
2 13.286100 .074875
2 38.225000 .601742
2 120.829500 1.616524
1 415.273300 2.676910

 mult 2
xc pbe0
convergence diis 2
convergence nolevelshifting
  1. semidirect memsize 100000000
 iterations 1000  
set lindep:n_dep 0
  1. set lindep:tol 1.0d-6
task sodft energy

The output file is:

          Memory utilization after 1st SCF pass:                                        
Heap Space remaining (MW): 163.54 163540250
Stack Space remaining (MW): 111.66 111660032

convergence iter energy DeltaE RMS-Dens Diis-err time
---------------- ----- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- ------
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 1 -7884.5863206700 -6.44D+04 2.98D+01 8.94D+01 6334.7
1.69D-01 8.94D+01
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 2 -7891.9981962670 -7.41D+00 6.89D+02 1.25D+01 12275.9
6.76D+02 1.25D+01
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 3 -6930.9339644882 9.61D+02 7.68D+01 5.41D+05 21069.9
9.15D+01 5.41D+05
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 4 -6687.3234788920 2.44D+02 1.04D+03 7.06D+05 30131.9
1.04D+03 7.06D+05
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 5 3967.3284565419 1.07D+04 8.79D+02 2.86D+05 38647.1
8.78D+02 2.86D+05
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 6 19803.8589373688 1.58D+04 5.16D+02 6.55D+05 46846.8
5.16D+02 6.55D+05
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 7 1860.5124113727 -1.79D+04 6.37D+02 5.01D+05 55291.2
6.37D+02 5.01D+05
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 8 17618.2307018081 1.58D+04 3.24D+02 3.24D+05 63667.0
3.24D+02 3.24D+05
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 9 22353.0393877535 4.73D+03 2.66D+02 9.29D+04 72428.4
2.66D+02 9.29D+04
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 10 6648.7050728123 -1.57D+04 1.61D+02 9.48D+04 80767.0
1.61D+02 9.48D+04
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 11 1688.8423437193 -4.96D+03 1.44D+02 4.62D+04 89204.5
1.44D+02 4.62D+04
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 12 22821.3011819762 2.11D+04 1.51D+02 7.85D+04 97802.3
1.51D+02 7.85D+04
d= 0,ls=0.0,diis 13 17166.4101493446 -5.65D+03 1.48D+02 7.24D+04106162.9
1.48D+02 7.24D+04

best wishes,

Forum Vet
Given the current limitation of the DFT code (until we fix the treatment of linear dependencies),
the only suggestion I can give you is to modify by hand the basis set in order to avoid the
occurrence of linear dependencies.
For example, I would first remove all the smallest exponents for s, p and d functions and see if you can converge in these conditions. Next, I would re-introduce the smallest s, and so on ...

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