Diffuse functions problem

Just Got Here
Hi when I add diffuse functions to my basis set, either 6-31+G(d,p) or 6-31++G(d,p), I get an error.

However, without diffuse functions, calculation is running normal.
Do you have any idea what to do?

WARNING : Found 56 linear dependencies
S eigenvalue threshold:     1.00000E-05
Smallest S eigenvalue : 5.55602E-08
Largest S eigenvalue : 9.23222E-06

!! The overlap matrix has  56 vectors deemed linearly dependent with
5.56D-08 9.92D-08 1.14D-07 1.40D-07 1.55D-07 1.69D-07 1.88D-07 2.22D-07
2.59D-07 2.71D-07 3.01D-07 3.68D-07 4.35D-07 4.64D-07 4.69D-07 5.36D-07
6.02D-07 6.13D-07 6.83D-07 7.86D-07 8.69D-07 9.70D-07 1.07D-06 1.11D-06
1.18D-06 1.21D-06 1.53D-06 1.55D-06 1.67D-06 1.69D-06 1.83D-06 1.97D-06
2.13D-06 2.37D-06 2.67D-06 2.78D-06 2.93D-06 3.02D-06 3.13D-06 3.31D-06
3.43D-06 3.70D-06 3.88D-06 4.05D-06 4.38D-06 4.93D-06 5.45D-06 5.62D-06
6.17D-06 6.23D-06 6.81D-06 7.01D-06 7.21D-06 8.10D-06 8.50D-06 9.23D-06

     Superposition of Atomic Density Guess

Sum of atomic energies:       -3812.93982290

     Non-variational initial energy

Total energy =   -3875.685546
1-e energy = -38099.241022
2-e energy = 17714.439976
HOMO = -0.298597
LUMO = -0.033085

  Time after variat. SCF:  12836.0
Time prior to 1st pass: 12836.0

Grid_pts file          = ./molecule.gridpts.0
Record size in doubles = 12289 No. of grid_pts per rec = 3070
Max. records in memory = 148 Max. recs in file = 126656358

Grid integrated density:     606.880615832235
Requested integration accuracy: 0.10E-05
5: WARNING:armci_set_mem_offset: offset changed -335503183872 to -335507378176
diis_driver: error creating ga        0

Forum Vet
Running out of global memory
You are running out of global memory.
You can either a) increase the amount of global memory in the memory line of the input file or
b) decrease the number of matrices stored for DIIS.

I would recommend option b). You can implement it by typing the following lines in the DFT input section

 convergence diis 5

The example above reduces the number of stored matrices from 10 to 5.
More details at


Cheers, Edo

Just Got Here
Thanks Edo,

I'll try it

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