Cartesian gaussian functions used in NWChem

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NWChem uses cartesian gaussian functions(cgf) as basis functions.
For d-type cgf, there are 6 functions, among which only 5 are independent and the extra one are s-type symmetry function.
For f-type cgf, there are 10 functions, among which only 7 are independent are the extra 3 are p-type symmetry functions.
It seems that NWChem uses all 6 d-type functions and all 10 f-type functions,
so this will introduce many linear dependence functions in the basis set.
How does the NWChem handle this problem?


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spherical functions available
You have the option of switching to a basis set that makes use of spherical functions by adding the keyword "spherical" to the basis set section label, as descrived in the documentation
Using spherical functions, you have 6 d orbitals and 7 f orbitals.

When linear dependence is present we do apply the Lowdin canonical orthogonalization method (as described - for example - in the Szabo & Ostlund book).

Cheers, Edo

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