Nwchem 6.3 running in Parallel

Just Got Here

I am trying to run NWCHEM 6.3 on the cluster but I cannot scale beyond 64 processors. Has anyone scaled it beyond that . Do we need to give some option during configuring NWCHEM . The error message I am getting is :

/opt/ogs/default/common/cms/cms_prolog: line 36: /opt/crl/actman/pending/3061: No such file or directory
/opt/ogs/default/common/cms/cms_prolog: line 52: /opt/crl/actman/scripts/pre_run.sh: No such file or directory

Forum Regular
Hi Anita,

The error messages you are reporting do not seem to be related to anything that is part of NWChem. It seems to me that there is an issue with how things are set up on the cluster you are trying to use. What is the machine you are trying to use?


Just Got Here
Issue while running NWCHEM on more number of processors
Hi, Hubb,

Yes that was cluster issues and that is being solved.Thanks.

Now I am getting the following error when I try to run my input file on 128 processors. The same input file ran successfully on 64 processors.

Input file:

start 26dnt
title "2,6-Dinitrotoluene by B3LYP-DFT"
scratch_dir /tmp
memory total 1792 mb

geometry units angtroms print xyz autosym
 C        1.13770        0.03570        0.50670
C 1.03450 -1.25080 0.00230
C 0.02110 0.85570 0.54600
C -0.18530 -1.71650 -0.46270
C -1.19840 0.38990 0.08030
C -1.30180 -0.89650 -0.42400
C 0.13540 2.25640 1.09510
N 2.43210 0.53000 0.99810
N -2.38220 1.26100 0.12130
O -3.45740 0.85070 -0.28240
O -2.27800 2.41370 0.50610
O 3.40730 -0.20310 0.98980
O 2.55170 1.69690 1.33330
H 1.92920 -1.90860 -0.02930
H -0.26810 -2.74810 -0.86680
H -2.27920 -1.27010 -0.79710
H 0.39630 2.95610 0.27240
H -0.83510 2.55820 1.54410
H 0.92950 2.28560 1.87170
linopt 0
maxiter 200
basis spherical
H library d-aug-cc-pvdz
O library d-aug-cc-pvdz
N library d-aug-cc-pvdz
C library d-aug-cc-pvdz
 xc b3lyp
iterations 200
ecce_print 26dnt.ecce.out
task dft optimize
task dft energy
charge 1
xc b3lyp
mult 2
task dft energy


Parallel integral file used  196554 records with       0 large values

driver: task_gradient failed 0
There is an error related to the specified geometry
For more information see the NWChem manual at http://nwchemgit.github.io/index.php/NWChem_Documentation

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                             
0:0:driver: task_gradient failed:: -1
(rank:0 hostname:n101 pid:3015):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-2/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
driver: task_gradient failed        0
There is an error related to the specified geometry

Forum Vet
Here is what can get this system to converge:
1) do first a Hartree-Fock calculation, then use the HF molecular orbitals to start the DFT B3LYP calculation
2) Your symmetry is very close to Cs. A bit of manipulation gets you there.

Here is the modified input following the two suggestions that I have just mentioned.
Cheers, Edo

start 26dnt

title "2,6-Dinitrotoluene by B3LYP-DFT"

scratch_dir /tmp
memory total 1192 mb noverify

geometry units angtroms print xyz autosym
C 0.34506906 -0.00778468 -1.2005
C 1.73054057 0.01370338 -1.2005
C -0.34746133 -0.01897714 0.00000000
C 2.42281255 0.02427087 0.00000000
C 0.34506906 -0.00778468 1.2005
C 1.73054057 0.01370338 1.2005
C -1.85610551 -0.04194054 0.00000000
N -0.38971017 -0.01774911 -2.4739
N -0.38971017 -0.01774911 2.4739
O 0.21997195 -0.02576942 3.53030374
O -1.60712515 0.05406579 2.4739
O 0.21997195 -0.02576942 -3.53030374
O -1.60712515 0.05406579 -2.4739
H 2.28599047 0.02248751 -2.16262574
H 3.53369701 0.04120014 0.00000000
H 2.28599047 0.02248751 2.16262574
H -2.24192611 0.99997900 0.00000000
H -2.21807403 -0.57077608 0.90765694
H -2.21807403 -0.57077608 -0.90765694
linopt 0
maxiter 200

basis spherical
H library d-aug-cc-pvdz
O library d-aug-cc-pvdz
N library d-aug-cc-pvdz
C library d-aug-cc-pvdz

xc hfexch
iterations 200
vectors input atomic output hf.mos
task dft ignore

xc b3lyp
vectors input hf.mos output b3lyp.mos

task dft

ecce_print 26dnt.ecce.out
task dft optimize
task dft energy
charge 1
xc b3lyp
mult 2
task dft energy

Just Got Here
Thanks a lot Hubb. It worked.


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