Question about "DRIVER"

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I just start to use NWCHEM. I tried to use the keyword "DRIVER" but it seemed not work.

My input file

SCRATCH_DIR /home/scratch
PERMANENT_DIR /home/permanent

title "Glu 6-31g SCF geometry optimization"
N 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
H 0.83199 -0.55500 0.00000
H 0.02299 0.58799 0.80900
H 0.02299 0.58799 -0.80900
C -1.18999 -0.84199 0.00000
H -1.14399 -1.37200 -0.84699
C -2.46200 0.00000 0.00000
O -2.40300 1.22999 0.00000
C -1.17599 -1.76099 1.22300
H -1.12999 -1.19300 2.04499
H -2.02400 -2.29000 1.23100
C -0.01000 -2.73499 1.25400
H -0.03500 -3.29300 0.42499
H 0.84299 -2.21399 1.28000
C -0.05199 -3.65499 2.45900
O 0.84499 -4.51600 2.57900
H 0.44945 -5.38710 2.60968
O -0.97899 -3.51399 3.28299
O -3.60899 -0.67000 0.00000
C library 6-31g
O library 6-31g
N library 6-31g
H library 6-31g
Task scf optimize
GMAX 0.0045d0
GRMS 0.0030d0
XMAX 0.0054d0
XRMS 0.0036d0

The setting of "DRIVER" seemed no effect. All the parameters were set as default.
The output file was shown as follow

                          NWChem Geometry Optimization

                       Glu 6-31g SCF geometry optimization

maximum gradient threshold         (gmax) =   0.000450
rms gradient threshold (grms) = 0.000300
maximum cartesian step threshold (xmax) = 0.001800
rms cartesian step threshold (xrms) = 0.001200
fixed trust radius (trust) = 0.300000
maximum step size to saddle (sadstp) = 0.100000
energy precision (eprec) = 1.0D-07
maximum number of steps (nptopt) = 20
initial hessian option (inhess) = 0
line search option (linopt) = 1
hessian update option (modupd) = 1
saddle point option (modsad) = 0
initial eigen-mode to follow (moddir) = 0
initial variable to follow (vardir) = 0
follow first negative mode (firstneg) = T
apply conjugacy (opcg) = F
source of zmatrix = autoz

Is there anything wrong with my input file?



Just Got Here

I think "Task scf optimize" must come after the DRIVER block. the way you have it now, the geometry optimization is carried out before the DRIVER block is read in.


Clicked A Few Times
It works.

Thank you.

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