TDDFT plots

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Does TDDFT calculations with NWChem.6.1 provides with oscillator strength and not actual intensity? Is there any way to get the actual intensities along with oscillator strength? A clue would be of much help. I have gone through the slides of NWChem presentation in which there was a test calculation for TDDFT of water molecule.
(page 26-27)
I was able to reproduce the roots in terms of excitation energy but the intensity in the particular plot has a factor for the oscillator strength. The values are also too low to be the extinction coefficient. What exactly could be the y-axis and its relation with the oscillator strength? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

Forum Regular
Hi, The dipole oscillator strengths are the intensities. It is calculated as the dipole transition squarred for the three components (x,y,z). Can you send me more details regarding what you are interested in calculating ? Can you send me the reference that you are trying to compare to ?


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Thanks for your reply. Can you please let me know what are the values of the y-axis in the particular slide 27, since they are not the oscillator strengths. Thanks in advance.

Forum Regular
Dear Himadri,

The graph is Gaussian/Lorentzian broadened spectra. You can process the TDDFT output using the scripts in /contrib/parsers.

Best regards,

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I encounter the following error when I attempt to process the TDDFT output using the script. Can you please suggest regarding identifying the error and where I should modify the script. Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

$ python -b0.3 -p5000 -wnm < tddft_water.nwo > spectrum.dat
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 640, in <module>
File "", line 603, in main
roots = parse_input_tddft (opts)
File "", line 285, in parse_input_tddft
raise Exception ("Failed to convert root values: {0}".format(line_strip))
Exception: Failed to convert root values: Root 1 singlet b2 0.294221372 a.u. 8.0062 eV

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Commenting out line 282 resolved the problem. Kindly ignore the previous post. Thank you very much.

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