DFT-D in nwchem

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I'm interested in the empirical dispersion to the DFT (DFT-D).
Now I'm using a heavily modified nwchem 6.1.1 - I've added more control over the dispersion part (s6, radii scaling, c6 and r0 from input, various damping functions etc.).
My hacks are rather crude, are there any plans to include some of that in nwchem?
There is no Becke-Johnson damping, do you plan to add it in the future? Grimme made all DFT-D3 code available (http://toc.uni-muenster.de/DFTD3/).

Best regards,
Karol Strutynski

Forum Vet
We currently only have the zero-damping approach for DFT-D3 in NWChem.

The extension to Becke-Johnson should be relatively easy, especially in our current development version (downloadable) that was cleaned up. If you are interested in implementing the BJ approach in NWChem, you should take the latest development version and include it there. Once you have it tested I can help you get it included in the development branch after which it becomes available to the broader user community. Otherwise, adding the BJ extension will be added to our list of things to do.

Bert (bert.dejong@pnnl.gov)

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Thank for the information.
In the free time I'll look into the development version and see how much it has changed.
Maybe my other hacks could be useful to others.

Best regards,
Karol Struty?ski

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I've looked into the newest development version. Regarding the DFT-D3 with BJ damping it would be a bit more tricky, but possible. I'll try it in my free time, the problem is that free time is rather volatile commodity and I don't know how long it will take.

The implementation of some new features in DFT-D2 was relatively easy.
For now I've added:
-new c6 mixing possible
-new r0 mixing possible
-control over alpha, radii scaling and various coefficients from the input.

Probably someone with more knowledge on the nwchem source code structure should look at it and check if it is acceptable.

Best regards,
Karol Strutynski

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