
Just Got Here
basis set setup on cluster
How is this supposed to be done?

I get a warning from the system stating that the file does not exist:

NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY set to: </global/apps/nwchem/6.1/data/libraries>

But: echoing it gives </global/apps/nwchem/6.1/data/libraries>



Forum Vet
Can you post your basis set input and the full error message. Most likely you specified a basis set that is not in the library directory, or a typo or something has muddled the name.

Forum Vet
Add slash "/"
I you are defining NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY as an environment variable,
you must add the "/" character at the end, e.g.

export NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY=/global/apps/nwchem/6.1/data/libraries/ (for bash)

setenv NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY /global/apps/nwchem/6.1/data/libraries/ (tcsh/csh)

Just Got Here
slash was from start
And - do not work. BTW is there something I should know about syntax here? I tried to paste full error message, but "URL does not exist".


Just Got Here
found out myself
For some reason lmod does not read the trailing slash.



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