NWChem 6.1.1: input.aoints.N files?

Gets Around
During some B3LYP DFT geometry optimizations using parallel NWC 6.1.1 (Jan 2013) on a 16-proc shared memory node I notice that a large input.aoints.N file (~ 250 MB) is created for each processor requested. If the job terminates normally these are deleted. If the job fails or is killed (through the WebMO interface), the files remain in the user's directory. Is this expected behavior? (I did various searches for this term without luck on the NWchem website, or by googling. If I missed it, just send me the link.)

Forum Vet
If the jobs terminates prematurely, the *aoints* files will remain in the scratch_directory. You can delete them.

Cheer, Edo

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