geom rtdb load: not found or rtdb corrupt

Just Got Here
Dear all,

I just started to use NWChem. I tried the example for the ethanol molecule in this page

The system I am using is Ubuntu 10.04. But I got the error message below:

geom_rtdb_load: not found or rtdb corrupt: geometry -> geometry
geom_rtdb_load: open geometies: 1
1 geom_rtdb_load: "geometry" -> "geometry"

  • 0: pre_mkseq: geom_rtdb_load failed 0

0:0::: 0
(rank:0 hostname:kickseed pid:21346):ARMCI DASSERT fail. armci.c:ARMCI_Error():260 cond:0
Last System Error Message from Task 0:: No such file or directory
0: ARMCI aborting 0 (0).
0: ARMCI aborting 0 (0).
system error message: Illegal seek

I also tried the two getting started examples in this page It worked well for these two examples.

Can I have your help? Thanks a lot.

Xiao Shu

  • Guest -
Do you have etl0.pdb in your run directory? If not this will cause the problem

Forum >> NWChem's corner >> Running NWChem