Grid file results question

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The geometry of coordinate information is as follow:

                          Geometry "geometry" -> ""

Output coordinates in angstroms (scale by 1.889725989 to convert to a.u.)

No. Tag Charge X Y Z
---- ---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
1 O 8.0000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.14800000
2 H 1.0000 -0.74000000 0.00000000 -0.59200000
3 H 1.0000 0.74000000 0.00000000 -0.59200000

My grid file ia as follow:
1208 0.0000000000
-2.3432602255 -2.8345889818 -5.8430327549 0.0164028207

I have read part of the "esp_esp.F" file's source code in NWCHEM 6.0:

     do 8 i=ngfr,ngto
do 9 ix=1,natoms
+ (grid(2,i)-x(2,ix))*(grid(2,i)-x(2,ix))+
+ (grid(3,i)-x(3,ix))*(grid(3,i)-x(3,ix)))
if(imin.eq.0) then
if( then
9 continue
if(me.eq.0.and.util_print('where',print_debug)) then
if(i.eq.1) write(lfnout,1003)
1003 format(//,' Electrostatic potential on grid',/)
write(lfnout,1004) imin,i,(grid(j,i),j=1,3),val(i)-vt,vt,val(i)
1004 format(2i5,3f8.4,3f12.6)
8 continue

So I think " -2.3432602255 -2.8345889818 -5.8430327549 " are the "grid(1,i), grid(2,i), and grid(3,i), " 0.0164028207" is "val(i)"
And " 8.0, 1.0,1.0 " is "q(i)"

Therefore, I calculate the distance ("dist" in esp_esp.F) between the grid and "O" is 7.029811 angstrom, the distance between the grid and first "H" is 6.178890 angstrom, , the distance between the grid and second "H" is 6.716750.
and val(i)=8.0/7.029811+ 1.0/6.178890+ 1.0/6.716750=1.448734. But the value in grid file is "0.0164028207".

So, I want to know what is wrong with my calculation methods?

Another question is what is the meaning of " 0.0164028207"? And what is the unit of " 0.0164028207"?

Forum Vet
The electrostatic potential does not come from the nuclear contribution only, which is what you are assuming. There is also a contribution of the electron density. I would recommend you read the literature or a text book about what the electrostatic potential is.

If you would looked before the code section you show, you would see code that calculates the potential_form_shell_pair, where it calculates the electronic contribution to the ESP.

The units are in atomic units.


Forum Regular
Hi Lmyiop,
First of all lets think about the units. The code internally uses atomic units. So the units of length are Bohrs, the units of Charge are the elementary charge. However, the term you calculated by hand is only the nuclear term. The ESP in the .grid file is the total potential. So you need to add the potential due to the electrons as well. This is what the code calculated in hnd_elfcon in esp_esp.F line 45 (in my version).
I hope this helps, Huub

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