NWCHEM runs with low %CPU

Just Got Here
I compiled NWChem 6.1 on a xeon 8 cores cluster connected by a gigabit ethernet port. I used mpich2-1.3.2p1, l_fc_c_9.1.052 and l_mkl_p_10.0.5.025. The compilation was fine, however when I try to run a demanding calculation (in a single node/8cores), after a few time the CPUs go down and remain working with a very low % (below 10%), even they disappear. I am mounting the home directory by NTFS and I tried putting the scratch files in the node but a same behaviour is observed.

Any idea what is wrong?


Forum Regular
Hi Ranez,
If you are running a conventional SCF or DFT calculation NWChem will write out the 2-electron integrals to a file. For larger jobs this requires enormous amounts of I/O and typically results in the processors spending most of their time waiting for the disk. If this is the case please switch to using integral direct procedures. To do this in an SCF calculation use:


In a DFT calculation (obviously):


If that does not help, please send me your input file (Hubertus DOT vanDam AT pnnl.gov).
Best wishes, Huub

Just Got Here
Now, it's running perfect.


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