Mismatch of integral count in ecp hessian

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I tried to run NWChem using basis set from Clarkson University Relativistic Effective Potential Database
, the output said "there is an eror in the specified basis set. Mismatch of integral count in ecp_hessian 99".
Here is the input.

start NiPbCO3_anion_quartet_b3lyp_crenbl
Memory 4 GB
charge -1
geometry autosym units angstrom
Ni                -0.00000000    0.00000000   -1.55299246
C -0.00000000 1.78094973 -1.70785373
C 1.54234771 -0.89047486 -1.70785373
C -1.54234771 -0.89047486 -1.70785373
O -0.00000000 2.93046609 -1.80922080
O -2.53785808 -1.46523305 -1.80922080
O 2.53785808 -1.46523305 -1.80922080
Pb -0.00000000 0.00000000 1.43471287

basis "ao basis" cartesian print
C s
    4.362     1.0
C s
    0.4366    1.0
C s
    0.1723    1.0
C s
    0.08716   1.0
C p
    6.787     1.0
C p
    1.497     1.0
C p
    0.4297    1.0
C p
    0.1286    1.0
O s
    8.6570       1.0  
O s
    0.8692       1.0  
O s
    0.3994       1.0  
O s
    0.1978       1.0  
O p
    13.34        1.00 
O p
     3.016       1.0  
O p
     0.8489      1.0  
O p
     0.2371      1.0  
Ni s
    59.26        1.0
Ni s
    20.37        1.0
Ni s
     8.594       1.0
Ni s
     2.394       1.0
Ni s
     0.9182      1.0
Ni s
     0.1302      1.0
Ni s
     0.04639     1.0
Ni p
    53.17        1.0
Ni p
    22.39        1.0
Ni p
     9.928       1.0
Ni p
     4.116       1.0
Ni p
     1.710       1.0
Ni p
     0.6725      1.0
Ni d
    48.94        1.0
Ni d
    13.72        1.0
Ni d
     4.640       1.0
Ni d
     1.574       1.0
Ni d
     0.4864      1.0
Ni d
     0.1316      1.0 
Pb s
    1.3701    1.0
Pb s
    0.8519    1.0
Pb s
    0.4166    1.0
Pb s
    0.1479    1.0
Pb s
    0.0605    1.0
Pb p
    4.8296    1.0
Pb p
    0.6014    1.0
Pb p
    0.3440    1.0
Pb p
    0.1212    1.0
Pb p
    0.0460    1.0
Pb d
    9.3673    1.0
Pb d
    1.8222    1.0
Pb d
    0.8320    1.0
Pb d
    0.3938    1.0
Pb d
    0.1734    1.0
Pb d
    0.0450    1.0  

ECP print
C nelec 2
C ul
    2    5.352800   -0.559313 
2 18.066800 -4.074550
1 51.615900 -1.434846
C s
    2    3.819100  -47.098215 
2 4.173200 71.589258
1 6.270700 -4.675364
0 12.211200 3.037970
O nelec 2
O ul
    2   10.028600   -0.798420   
2 34.198000 -5.766847
1 100.003900 -1.486456
O s
    2    2.247900   11.216304
2 2.404900 -16.344477
1 4.374000 1.042944
0 2.189200 2.193891
Ni nelec 10
Ni ul
    2   14.882800   -4.438070
2 45.522000 -32.098072
2 155.595900 -84.096072
1 571.420200 -9.794457
Ni s
    2    3.395000  -48.543110     
2 4.345300 106.501105
2 6.150200 -202.672719
2 8.677300 218.644477
1 2.487500 7.880363
0 31.874400 3.171606
Ni p
    2    4.042600   54.267602   
2 1.780500 1.342317
2 5.532100 -121.264700
2 7.916900 154.697624
1 2.224400 -6.764236
0 30.322700 5.445407
Pb nelec 68
Pb ul
     2     1.305800   -1.453792    
2 3.128400 -12.677284
2 9.255100 -51.687993
2 23.063700 -136.880727
2 79.272900 -369.916103
1 253.830600 -54.614387
Pb s
     2     1.062500   47.011568                                     
2 1.220000 -150.280353
2 1.592200 296.721912
2 2.253500 -329.094800
2 3.333000 294.298285
2 4.800900 -129.212176
1 7.994100 57.000569
0 28.337500 6.334060
Pb p
     2     0.584400    5.428823   
2 0.824800 -55.369498
2 1.059400 155.102327
2 1.457400 -181.358791
2 1.951000 120.056170
2 7.818200 90.856500
1 16.135400 55.171827
0 42.822500 5.609916
Pb d
     2     0.498400   -0.188154   
2 1.641100 -29.672622
2 1.989800 87.248523
2 2.725000 -153.771260
2 4.033000 256.456261
2 5.825200 -168.929495
1 9.520300 65.025905
0 44.422300 6.776294
Pb f
     2     0.964600  -32.728402   
2 1.112200 105.855655
2 1.456800 -218.511396
2 2.103100 337.182341
2 3.186900 -287.691706
2 4.836100 219.622053
1 15.069200 76.835774
0 50.966900 8.684802

SO print
C ul
    2    5.352800      0.002124 
2 18.066800 -0.002800
1 51.615900 0.014201
O ul
    2   10.028600      0.007783
2 34.198000 -0.006240
1 100.003900 0.036949
Ni ul
    2   14.882800      0.050171 
2 45.522000 0.233592
2 155.595900 1.484437
1 571.420200 1.353811
Ni p
    2    4.042600      3.634658 
2 1.780500 0.221663
2 5.532100 -4.681761
2 7.916900 4.987844
1 2.224400 -0.795442
0 30.322700 0.027092
Pb ul
     2     1.305800   -0.043570
2 3.128400 0.121483
2 9.255100 -0.272125
2 23.063700 1.142654
2 79.272900 0.519106
1 253.830600 3.491015
Pb p
     2     0.584400    0.241215
2 0.824800 -4.517451
2 1.059400 18.476583
2 1.457400 -25.542129
2 1.951000 9.054347
2 7.818200 -7.275813
1 16.135400 -0.531209
0 42.822500 -0.137428
Pb d
     2     0.498400   -0.116338
2 1.641100 9.504609
2 1.989800 -22.196965
2 2.725000 22.395242
2 4.033000 -9.767153
2 5.825200 -1.674592
1 9.520300 0.153971
0 44.422300 -0.033085
Pb f
     2     0.964600    0.475052
2 1.112200 -1.457681
2 1.456800 2.369228
2 2.103100 -2.478909
2 3.186900 1.484956
2 4.836100 -0.471627
1 15.069200 0.033935
0 50.966900 -0.002620

mult 4
xc b3lyp
grid fine
convergence energy 1.000000E-06
convergence density 1.000000E-05
convergence gradient 1E-05
iterations 999

maxiter 300

task dft optimize

task dft freq

task sodft

and the output file said:

Mismatch of integral count in ecp_hessian 99
current input line :
284: task dft freq
There is an error in the specified basis set
For more information see the NWChem manual at http://nwchemgit.github.io/index.php/NWChem_Documentation

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
0:0:Mismatch of integral count in ecp_hessian:: 99
(rank:0 hostname:compute-0-7.local pid:13020):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-1/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0

Forum Vet
This seems to be a very peculiar, and I'm surprised nobody has seen this before. This may be an issue of spherical vs cartesian. We will look at this and trace down the issue.


[QUOTE=Qjklw2012 Nov 17th 5:31 am]I tried to run NWChem using basis set from Clarkson University Relativistic Effective Potential Database
, the output said "there is an eror in the specified basis set. Mismatch of integral count in ecp_hessian 99".
Here is the input.

start NiPbCO3_anion_quartet_b3lyp_crenbl
Memory 4 GB
charge -1
geometry autosym units angstrom
Ni                -0.00000000    0.00000000   -1.55299246
C -0.00000000 1.78094973 -1.70785373
C 1.54234771 -0.89047486 -1.70785373
C -1.54234771 -0.89047486 -1.70785373
O -0.00000000 2.93046609 -1.80922080
O -2.53785808 -1.46523305 -1.80922080
O 2.53785808 -1.46523305 -1.80922080
Pb -0.00000000 0.00000000 1.43471287

basis "ao basis" cartesian print
C s
    4.362     1.0
C s
    0.4366    1.0
C s
    0.1723    1.0
C s
    0.08716   1.0
C p
    6.787     1.0
C p
    1.497     1.0
C p
    0.4297    1.0
C p
    0.1286    1.0
O s
    8.6570       1.0  
O s
    0.8692       1.0  
O s
    0.3994       1.0  
O s
    0.1978       1.0  
O p
    13.34        1.00 
O p
     3.016       1.0  
O p
     0.8489      1.0  
O p
     0.2371      1.0  
Ni s
    59.26        1.0
Ni s
    20.37        1.0
Ni s
     8.594       1.0
Ni s
     2.394       1.0
Ni s
     0.9182      1.0
Ni s
     0.1302      1.0
Ni s
     0.04639     1.0
Ni p
    53.17        1.0
Ni p
    22.39        1.0
Ni p
     9.928       1.0
Ni p
     4.116       1.0
Ni p
     1.710       1.0
Ni p
     0.6725      1.0
Ni d
    48.94        1.0
Ni d
    13.72        1.0
Ni d
     4.640       1.0
Ni d
     1.574       1.0
Ni d
     0.4864      1.0
Ni d
     0.1316      1.0 
Pb s
    1.3701    1.0
Pb s
    0.8519    1.0
Pb s
    0.4166    1.0
Pb s
    0.1479    1.0
Pb s
    0.0605    1.0
Pb p
    4.8296    1.0
Pb p
    0.6014    1.0
Pb p
    0.3440    1.0
Pb p
    0.1212    1.0
Pb p
    0.0460    1.0
Pb d
    9.3673    1.0
Pb d
    1.8222    1.0
Pb d
    0.8320    1.0
Pb d
    0.3938    1.0
Pb d
    0.1734    1.0
Pb d
    0.0450    1.0  

ECP print
C nelec 2
C ul
    2    5.352800   -0.559313 
2 18.066800 -4.074550
1 51.615900 -1.434846
C s
    2    3.819100  -47.098215 
2 4.173200 71.589258
1 6.270700 -4.675364
0 12.211200 3.037970
O nelec 2
O ul
    2   10.028600   -0.798420   
2 34.198000 -5.766847
1 100.003900 -1.486456
O s
    2    2.247900   11.216304
2 2.404900 -16.344477
1 4.374000 1.042944
0 2.189200 2.193891
Ni nelec 10
Ni ul
    2   14.882800   -4.438070
2 45.522000 -32.098072
2 155.595900 -84.096072
1 571.420200 -9.794457
Ni s
    2    3.395000  -48.543110     
2 4.345300 106.501105
2 6.150200 -202.672719
2 8.677300 218.644477
1 2.487500 7.880363
0 31.874400 3.171606
Ni p
    2    4.042600   54.267602   
2 1.780500 1.342317
2 5.532100 -121.264700
2 7.916900 154.697624
1 2.224400 -6.764236
0 30.322700 5.445407
Pb nelec 68
Pb ul
     2     1.305800   -1.453792    
2 3.128400 -12.677284
2 9.255100 -51.687993
2 23.063700 -136.880727
2 79.272900 -369.916103
1 253.830600 -54.614387
Pb s
     2     1.062500   47.011568                                     
2 1.220000 -150.280353
2 1.592200 296.721912
2 2.253500 -329.094800
2 3.333000 294.298285
2 4.800900 -129.212176
1 7.994100 57.000569
0 28.337500 6.334060
Pb p
     2     0.584400    5.428823   
2 0.824800 -55.369498
2 1.059400 155.102327
2 1.457400 -181.358791
2 1.951000 120.056170
2 7.818200 90.856500
1 16.135400 55.171827
0 42.822500 5.609916
Pb d
     2     0.498400   -0.188154   
2 1.641100 -29.672622
2 1.989800 87.248523
2 2.725000 -153.771260
2 4.033000 256.456261
2 5.825200 -168.929495
1 9.520300 65.025905
0 44.422300 6.776294
Pb f
     2     0.964600  -32.728402   
2 1.112200 105.855655
2 1.456800 -218.511396
2 2.103100 337.182341
2 3.186900 -287.691706
2 4.836100 219.622053
1 15.069200 76.835774
0 50.966900 8.684802

SO print
C ul
    2    5.352800      0.002124 
2 18.066800 -0.002800
1 51.615900 0.014201
O ul
    2   10.028600      0.007783
2 34.198000 -0.006240
1 100.003900 0.036949
Ni ul
    2   14.882800      0.050171 
2 45.522000 0.233592
2 155.595900 1.484437
1 571.420200 1.353811
Ni p
    2    4.042600      3.634658 
2 1.780500 0.221663
2 5.532100 -4.681761
2 7.916900 4.987844
1 2.224400 -0.795442
0 30.322700 0.027092
Pb ul
     2     1.305800   -0.043570
2 3.128400 0.121483
2 9.255100 -0.272125
2 23.063700 1.142654
2 79.272900 0.519106
1 253.830600 3.491015
Pb p
     2     0.584400    0.241215
2 0.824800 -4.517451
2 1.059400 18.476583
2 1.457400 -25.542129
2 1.951000 9.054347
2 7.818200 -7.275813
1 16.135400 -0.531209
0 42.822500 -0.137428
Pb d
     2     0.498400   -0.116338
2 1.641100 9.504609
2 1.989800 -22.196965
2 2.725000 22.395242
2 4.033000 -9.767153
2 5.825200 -1.674592
1 9.520300 0.153971
0 44.422300 -0.033085
Pb f
     2     0.964600    0.475052
2 1.112200 -1.457681
2 1.456800 2.369228
2 2.103100 -2.478909
2 3.186900 1.484956
2 4.836100 -0.471627
1 15.069200 0.033935
0 50.966900 -0.002620

mult 4
xc b3lyp
grid fine
convergence energy 1.000000E-06
convergence density 1.000000E-05
convergence gradient 1E-05
iterations 999

maxiter 300

task dft optimize

task dft freq

task sodft

and the output file said:

Mismatch of integral count in ecp_hessian 99
current input line :
284: task dft freq
There is an error in the specified basis set
For more information see the NWChem manual at http://nwchemgit.github.io/index.php/NWChem_Documentation

For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
0:0:Mismatch of integral count in ecp_hessian:: 99
(rank:0 hostname:compute-0-7.local pid:13020):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-1/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0

Forum Vet
Moving so block after task dft frequencies
Moving the so block after the task dft frequencies line will get you the DFT frequencies

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