ecce error: Parent project selection for import not recognized.

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I am trying to visualize my nwchem output. When I try to open the ecce.out file through ecce "Import calculation from output file" or "open", I encounter the above error. Can someone please suggest where am I going wrong ? Are there any diagnostics if the paths have gone wrong, which I would be able to check?

Gets Around
Are you using the latest ECCE 6.4 or at least 6.3? When we've had users with this issue before we've found that they often can't even create a new calculation so it has nothing to do with an import itself. So, first try creating a new project under your user name in the Organizer application. If that works, create a new NWChem calculation under that project. If that works, then select the project you created and try the "Import Calculation from Output File..." operation again.

If you are having problems just creating a new project and/or new calculation, then it suggests there are access control (permission) issues associated with your Apache data server that ECCE uses to save calculation files. I can try to help you work through those as well (might be related to ownership of the ECCE installation and who the ECCE server httpd processes are running as), but try the above tests first.

Finally, this is definitely an oddly worded and unhelpful error message and I just changed it to indicate the likelihood of it being a permissions issue. The next update I push out of ECCE will contain this change.


Clicked A Few Times
Thanks so much Gary for your reply. I am using ECCE 6.4 version. I have tried with creating a new project under my user name in the "Builder" application (Hope it is the same as Organizer application) and saving it. The save failed and returned with an error message "16:33:17: Error: Save failed". Thanking you in anticipation.

Gets Around
The Builder and Organizer are different applications. Are you invoking the Builder from the command line with "ebuilder" or are you entering "ecce" from the command line and starting the Gateway toolbar? If it's the former, then definitely you'll have issues trying to import calculations because you probably don't have an ECCE data server running, which is required to import. If you are doing the latter then you will want to select the icon labeled "organizer" from the Gateway toolbar rather than the "builder" icon to the right of the organizer. Once you have the Organizer started, the File menu has options to create new projects and new calculations. Those are what you need to try doing rather than doing anything in the Builder. In the left-hand pane you should select the folder with your user name under the "users" folder. By doing that any projects/calculations you create are under your area where you should have write permission by default if the ECCE data server is properly configured.


Clicked A Few Times
Thanks for your reply Gary. I have been invoking the builder from the command line by entering "ecce". By selecting the label "Organizer" I can create successfully new projects. Thanks for your suggestions.

Gets Around
Try the following:

1. Create a new project from the Organizer
2. Select that newly created project in the left-side panel/frame of the Organizer (so it becomes the current context as you would do if you were going to create a new calculation under that project)
3. Select "Import Calculation from Output File..." from the File menu in the Organizer
4. Select your "ecce.out" (specified in the ecce_print directive) file that you wish to import in the file browser dialog that pops up

When you go through these steps do you get the same error message from ECCE that you got before?


Gets Around
It looks like you've been able to import via the Organizer so I'm going to consider this issue closed. If I have some time available I'll try to look into whether there is a bug in ECCE that prevents imports via the Builder. I would suspect that perhaps someone who has never started the Organizer application doesn't have the Apache data server directory needed to do this type of import. It would be preferable of course if we were able to detect that and popup an error dialog to notify the user.


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