CC optimization and structure retrieval

Just Got Here
Dear NWCHEM users,
i want to make some CCSD/CCSD(T) optimizations using NWCHEM.
Due to limit restrictions the comp. stopped. I have two questions:
A) How can i visualize the current structure. As far as i can see no
coordinates, except the initial ones, are given.
B) How to restart the process from the last successfull opt. geometry?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Aggelos Avramopoylos

Forum Vet

If you do a

  grep "@" 

on the output file, do you get multiple lines? If not, your optimization has not done a step yet. After each step generally a geometry is printed, look for "Step X" X being a number in the output.

Remember, the CCSD/CCSD(T) geometry optimizations are done using numerical gradients. Depending on the number of atoms it will have to do a significant number of displacements to get the gradient and make a step.


[QUOTE=Aggelos.avramopoulos Sep 24th 9:30 am]Dear NWCHEM users,
i want to make some CCSD/CCSD(T) optimizations using NWCHEM.
Due to limit restrictions the comp. stopped. I have two questions:
A) How can i visualize the current structure. As far as i can see no
coordinates, except the initial ones, are given.
B) How to restart the process from the last successfull opt. geometry?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Aggelos Avramopoylos

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