ecce output from restart

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Hi everybody,

I just thought that it would be quicker to get here a response to this post
rather than checking by myself:
I performed a long duration job but forgot to set the ecce flag
to get the corresponding output. Is it possible to restart the
job with only the task rtdb_print and recover the ecce file,
something like:

permanent_dir <session_path>
scratch_dir <session_path>
restart <previous_calculus_name>
ecce_print <filename>
task rtdbprint


Best wishes,

Gets Around
Hi Domingos,

You may want to post this to one of the NWChem specific forums. I don't know the answer to this myself (my guess is that you'd have to re-run the job completely to create an "ecce_print" file, but that's just a guess) and none of the NWChem developers who should know monitor this ECCE forum.


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