one additional core than requested is used in mpi running of nwchem

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I compiled nwchem 6.1.1 with intel 11.1 and mvapich2. Everything works just fine (passed the tests and runs smoothly) except that one additional core is always used on one of the allocated hosts during the parallel execution. For example, If I request 24 cores on 4 hosts (6 for each), I always find that one of the hosts will use a 7th core if allowed to do so, which will certainly affects the other running jobs. Any idea why this is the case? Is there any means to prevent the use of additional core than requested? Thanks!

best wishes


P.S. here is the setup used for the compilation.


export TCGRSH=/usr/bin/ssh
export USE_MPI=y
export USE_MPIF=y
export USE_MPIF4=y
export IB_HOME=/opt
export IB_INCLUDE=/opt/include/infiniband
export IB_LIB=$IB_HOME/lib64
export IB_LIB_NAME="-L/usr/lib64 -lrdmacm -libumad -libverbs -lpthread -lrt"

export NWCHEM_TOP=/usr/apps/NWCHEM/nwchem-6.1.1-src
export MPI_LOC=/usr/apps/mpi/intel/mvapich2-1.7
export MPI_LIB=$MPI_LOC/lib
export MPI_INCLUDE=$MPI_LOC/include
export LIBMPI="-lmpichf90 -lmpich -lopa -lmpl -lpthread -lrdmacm -libverbs -libumad -ldl -lrt"
export NWCHEM_MODULES="all python"

export HAS_BLAS=y
export MKL64=/usr/apps/intel-11.1/fortran/mkl/lib/em64t
export BLASOPT="-L${MKL64} -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -Wl,--end-group"

export PYTHONHOME=/nas02/apps/python-2.6.5

Forum Vet
It's normal to have an extra NWChem process on OPENIB
The OPENIB port of the tools used by NWChem makes use of an extra process to deal with communication.
It is perfectly normal to have an extra NWChem process on OPENIB. You might want to try to leave a core free on each node so that it might be used by this extra process. This might improve performances.
Cheers, Edo

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Quote:Edoapra Aug 24th 12:55 am
The OPENIB port of the tools used by NWChem makes use of an extra process to deal with communication.
It is perfectly normal to have an extra NWChem process on OPENIB. You might want to try to leave a core free on each node so that it might be used by this extra process. This might improve performances.
Cheers, Edo

Hi Edo

Thanks for the explanation. I have one more question, should I reserve one extra core on each host? It seems to me that only a few hosts used the extra core?

best wishes


Forum Vet
Quote:Jtravers Aug 23rd 5:25 pm

Hi Edo

Thanks for the explanation. I have one more question, should I reserve one extra core on each host? It seems to me that only a few hosts used the extra core?

On each host.


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