Runtime database errors

Just Got Here
I'm trying to run an NEB calculation using both NWChem and ASE, however the nwchem.out file consistently reveals the following error:

datum_fread: failed to read data 1702125940
hdbm_load: header present but key missing?
hdbm_open: failed to load file ./nwchem.db
rtdb_seq_open: hdbm failed to open file ./nwchem.db
start: rtdb_open old failed 0
current input line :
0: task dft gradient
An error occured in the Runtime Database

Furthermore, I also receive this error when just running the last nwchem.nw script provided by ASE. I have provided the nwchem.nw file below for reference:

1 geometry
 2   C -1.14076145833 0.659815475 0.280662575
3 H -1.99452939167 1.12326216667 0.585796875
4 C -0.328343675 1.23222144167 0.068448975
5 H -0.438871058333 2.24585310833 0.208050825
6 C -0.958458283333 -0.5918512 0.102246758333
7 H -1.68842721667 -1.0044325 0.124160241667
8 C 0.138997158333 -1.22584948333 -0.0492446583333
9 H 0.246083141667 -2.23956369167 -0.118049233333
10 C 1.25236726667 -0.57064315 0.01522895
11 H 2.07248464167 -1.065586475 -0.481253225
12 H 1.2620121 -0.485900366667 0.880504975
13 C 0.739340825 0.506755483333 -0.377854916667
14 H 1.007978825 0.412437316667 -1.32977929167
15 H 1.3208686 0.956747566667 -0.120719025
16 end
17 basis
18 * library 6-31G*
19 end
21 dft
22 mult 1
23 xc B3LYP
24 iterations 120
25 convergence gradient 0.001
26 convergence energy 0.0001
27 convergence density 0.001
28 smear 0.001
29 end
31 task dft gradient

Thank you,


Forum Vet
Could you please try the following to see if you can run the nwchem.nw test?

Add the following line at the beginning of the nwchem.nw file

start mytest

Just Got Here
That seemed to run without any incident. What exactly does the start mytest command do?


Forum Vet
The "start mytest" command opens a brand new mytest.db file to be used as run-time database.
More details at

If no start (or restart line) is present, NWChem looks for a file named "input file name".db (e.g. if
your input file name is nwchem.nw, it will look for nwchem.db file). If the file is present,
NWChem will try a restart operation, i.e. reading the content of the existing file.
If no file is present, a start operation is executed.
I personally prefer to explicitly specify start/restart for better control of what's going on.

Cheers, Edo

Forum >> NWChem's corner >> Running NWChem