An error in the ANO-RCC/Sb basis functions

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g, SB , 1.6102280000, 0.5608620000, 0.5608620000

The last g function should be 0.224345000.

Forum Vet
Thanks for finding that. This has been corrected.


Quote:Zork Jul 10th 7:37 pm
g, SB , 1.6102280000, 0.5608620000, 0.5608620000

The last g function should be 0.224345000.

Just Got Here
This is not fixed in
Am I missing something?

Forum Regular
Hi Jellby,
I am afraid you are not missing something. I am trying to get this fixed but the software that manages the Basis Set Exchange chokes when I try to update such a large basis set. So, I need to go bug someone to get this fixed...

Forum Regular
Hi Jellby,
The issue is fixed now, and the ANO-RCC basis set for Sb should match the NWChem internal library.

Forum >> BSE: Basis Set Exchange >> General BSE Topics