Must NWchem 6.1 be compiled from source for multi-proc parallel execution?

Gets Around
A NWChem newby question:
I.e., is the pre-compiled binary version of NWChem 6.1 limited to serial calculations?
My systems are openSUSE 12.1 with openmpi v 1.4.3 installed (or openSUSE 11.3 plus openmpi 1.2.8).
John Keller

Forum Vet
Hi John,

All our precompiled binaries are serial (or can use low performance sockets with the parallel command). we do not distribute parallel binaries, simply because there are too many versions of MPI libraries, proprietary network libraries, compilers, and processors. We recommend you compile the parallel version yourself following the compile information on the website.


Quote:Jwkeller Jul 5th 6:27 am
A NWChem newby question:
I.e., is the pre-compiled binary version of NWChem 6.1 limited to serial calculations?
My systems are openSUSE 12.1 with openmpi v 1.4.3 installed (or openSUSE 11.3 plus openmpi 1.2.8).
John Keller

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