TDDFT Core states

Just Got Here
Dear Community,

i'd like to calculate approximate xray-pre-edge absorption. I would like to freeze some of the orbitals, so that only core orbitals of interest are allowed to be excited to the manifold of virtuals. With FREEZE i cannot freeze the upper occupuied orbitals., however.

is there a possibility to do this, other than described in the documentation in the FREEZE Section of TDDFT ?
Is there an explicit Core-Excited-State Module ... the list of new features statet so ..

Thank you very much in advance for your answer.
Best regards
Alexander Kulesza

Forum Regular
Hi Alexander,

This can be done with the ecut keyword in the TDDFT block. This keyword enables restricted excitation window TDDFT (REW-TDDFT). This is an approach best suited for core excitations. By specifying this keyword only excitations from occupied states below the energy cutoff will be considered.

For example,

start h2o_core

memory 1000 mb

geometry units au
O 0       0        0
H 0 1.430 -1.107
H 0 -1.430 -1.107

 O library 6-31g*
H library 6-31g*

 xc beckehandh

 ecut -10
nroots 10
task tddft

Here only excitations from occupied orbitals below -10 Hartrees will be cosidered.

Let me know if there are any issues.

Best regards,

Just Got Here
ECUT refs
Hi Niri,
 I was just looking at this keyword - are there any references for the REW-TDDFT method, and how well DFT works in practice for such high-energy excitations?  I'm hoping to use this for the Fe m-edge (around 55 eV).  
Also, is there any reason I couldn't use this to predict excited-state x-ray absorption by using VECTORS SWAP? For example, suppose I want to predict what the core excitation would be after photoexciting a molecule, which happens to be just a HOMO-LUMO transition (say from orbital 22 to 23). Could I then do something like:

 input ground_state_calc.movecs
swap 22 23

 ecut -1.5
nroots 20

task tddft energy

I'd expect to see one or more negative excitations, as I've seen when I accidentally converge to an excited state, but apart from is there anything wrong with this approach?


Forum Regular
Hi Josh,

I haven't published the REW-TDDFT approach yet. I am working on a few systems that I plan to submit very soon. Indeed, I implemented this to study pre-edge and NEXAFS core spectra. For the deep core states, I have found that CIS is identical to full-TDDFT. This is also cheaper. The full-TDDFT is more accurate for the valence excitations.

In terms of your case you don't need to swap orbitals if you use my windowing approach. For the m-edge, I recommend running a ground state calculation first to get an idea of the relevant orbitals and eigenvalues in that energy range and then use that energy as a cutoff. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Let me know if there are any issues.

Best regards,

Just Got Here
Dear Niri,
first, thank you for your reply. I obvously missed that point in the Documentation. The approach is definitely the feature I was lking for. However, i tried to calculate your example getting the following error
 tddft_input: unknown directive        0
  current input line :
    17:  ecut -10

I guess i have an outdated version. I currently use
   nwchem branch = 6.0

I will recompile 6.1 and will try again. Maybe i will also try to use KS orbitals which i precalculated with a hole (1. calculöation with fractional occupation in core states according to 1electron hole). and then run the tddft core excitation calculation with KS orbitals with the hoile (guess-only) but electron configuration without hole. I will post if i will succeed. Please let me know what you think about this. Anyway, thanks for your help !
Best regards

Forum Regular
Hi Alexander,

Yes. You need 6.1 for that feature. You can definitely use vectors with a hole.
However, the point of TDDFT core excitations is to be able to capture the relaxation because the electron-hole response is factored in via the response part of TDDFT. If you have a core-hole state to start with, you already have some response included. Give it a try.

Best regards,

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