pspw convergence problem

Just Got Here
Hi all,

I'm trying to do a pspw optimisation on my system, but it doesn't converge. When I did this with nosymm, it converged easily. Whenever I turned on the symmetry, it ended until the max. iteration number even I run it for a couple of days on parallel. I read many hints for dft optimisation problems, but I haven't seen any for pspw optimize.

I also wonder how much the simulation box size and cutoff are important when doing a pspw calculation. I'm sorry if this question sounds weird, but I'm totally new to Nwchem.

I'm sending my input. Any advice will be appreciated.

title "optimize with pbe96"

scratch_dir /home/user/nwchemtest//sc
permanent_dir /home/user/nwchemtest/perm

start test_pspw
memory stack 1600 mb heap 800 mb global 1600 mb
geometry units angstrom noautoz print xyz
 O      1.009000   -0.012000   -0.011000
N 2.380000 -0.008000 0.007000
C 2.861000 -0.704000 1.248000
H 2.460000 -0.161000 2.108000
H 3.954000 -0.692000 1.244000
H 2.473000 -1.726000 1.225000
C 2.893000 -0.728000 -1.207000
H 2.513000 -0.202000 -2.087000
H 2.507000 -1.750000 -1.173000
H 3.986000 -0.713000 -1.176000
C 2.872000 1.411000 0.000000
H 2.493000 1.887000 -0.909000
H 3.964000 1.393000 0.016000
H 2.468000 1.904000 0.888000
symmetry c3v
SC 15.0
xc pbe96
cutoff 30.0
maxiter 100

task pspw optimize

Gets Around
The geometry being produced by your input is weird. You might want to comment out the symmetry option.

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