Freq Calculation Error

Just Got Here

I used SMP system with 12 core and 48GB RAM. I used 7.0.1 newest version of NWChem.

I got following error:

Parallel integral file used 42160 records with 0 large values

HESSIAN: the one electron contributions are done in      20.8s

uhf_fock_setup: could not allocate g_fock2 555

current input line :
76: task dft freq

For more information see the NWChem manual at

this is my input:

charge 0
scratch_dir /home/reza/runs/pour/nwchem/scr
geometry units angstrom
symmetry c1
C -1.01957000 1.02370000 -0.13512000
C                  0.33576000    0.99882000   -0.53399000
C 1.03113000 2.22719000 -0.63657000
C 0.39193000 3.43245000 -0.34550000
C -0.97108000 3.49341000 0.05871000
C -1.63569000 2.24003000 0.13501000
H -1.62977000 0.12463000 -0.06705000
H 2.07807000 2.23852000 -0.92767000
H 0.98198000 4.35031000 -0.39847000
N -1.64117000 4.70090000 0.30430000
F -2.97443000 2.19562000 0.44286000
N 0.95964000 -0.24850000 -0.79030000
C -1.06084000 5.96842000 -0.18209000
C -2.18194000 7.01061000 -0.33479000
C -3.48680000 5.97782000 1.33559000
C -2.42191000 4.89098000 1.54791000
O -2.90369000 7.21295000 0.89261000
H -0.28476000 6.34800000 0.50632000
H -0.58968000 5.80026000 -1.15926000
H -1.73735000 5.20307000 2.36189000
H -2.90496000 3.95280000 1.83934000
H -4.23864000 5.62450000 0.60184000
H -3.99277000 6.19947000 2.28701000
H -1.74690000 7.98508000 -0.59941000
H -2.88051000 6.69697000 -1.13591000
C 2.08529000 -0.44512000 -1.61178000
C 1.50320000 -2.52153000 -0.73102000
C 0.35592000 -1.53111000 -0.41720000
O 2.35772000 -1.80416000 -1.66322000
O 2.74280000 0.37646000 -2.21273000
C 2.29530000 -2.94190000 0.52657000
H 1.13119000 -3.40841000 -1.26762000
N 3.45690000 -3.76673000 0.22418000
H 3.32583000 -4.61227000 -0.32241000
C 4.75519000 -3.35423000 0.49741000
O 5.00635000 -2.31998000 1.11765000
C 5.85242000 -4.27889000 -0.02847000
H 6.58961000 -4.43880000 0.76891000
H 6.36431000 -3.76738000 -0.85686000
H 5.48521000 -5.25078000 -0.38671000
H 2.67397000 -2.05514000 1.05530000
H 1.60291000 -3.47688000 1.20222000
H -0.54157000 -1.74619000 -1.02327000
H 0.07641000 -1.54128000 0.64748000
O 0.51353986 -4.62268803 -1.99090136
H 0.09934503 -5.37158073 -2.46941047

  • library def2-svp

grid coarse
mult 2
xc new pbe0 maxima
iterations 2000

task dft freq

Any Help?

Forum Vet
Please do not use the non default xc correlation input. It will not work with second derivatives

basis spherical
* library def2-svp

 mult 2
  xc  pbe0
  iterations 2000
 convergence damp 45 ncydp 0 dampon 1d99 dampoff 1d-4

task dft freq

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