Problems with B3LYP-D3 frequency calculation

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Dear NWChem developers:
I am trying to run a B3LYP-D3/6-31+G* frequency calculation using NWChem 6.1. However, the calculation fails at the following stage:

                                NWChem CPHF Module

  scftype          =     RHF 
  nclosed          =       56
  nopen            =        0
  variables        =    11984
  # of vectors     =       87
  tolerance        = 0.10D-03
  level shift      = 0.00D+00
  max iterations   =       50
  max subspace     =      870

 SCF residual:   1.99250273689487209E-005

Iterative solution of linear equations
  No. of variables    11984
  No. of equations       87
  Maximum subspace      870
        Iterations       50
       Convergence  1.0D-04
        Start time   9400.8

   iter   nsub   residual    time
   ----  ------  --------  ---------
  ga_create_atom_blocked: gdens1
 ga_create_atom_blocked: ga_create_irreg       270
  current input line : 
    47: task dft freq
 For more information see the NWChem manual at

 For further details see manual section:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
0:0:ga_create_atom_blocked: ga_create_irreg:: 27Last System Error Message from Task 0:: Numerical result out of range
application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000007, 270) - process 0
Last System Error Message from Task 1:: Numerical result out of range
application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000004, 270) - process 1
(rank:0 hostname:heim pid:10431):ARMCI DASSERT fail. ../../ga-5-1/armci/src/common/armci.c:ARMCI_Error():208 cond:0
 ga_create_atom_blocked: ga_create_irreg       270
  current input line : 
 For more information see the NWChem manual at

My input file is as follows:

scratch_dir /scr/stigrs
title "OP1"
charge 0
geometry units angstroms 
 P    -0.38173424    -1.73592223    -0.16776375
 O    -1.61296168    -2.53367124    -0.23213751
 O     0.74759420    -2.32547072     0.81238826
 C     0.85416943    -3.74210448     0.95267626
 F     0.40396494    -1.78686291    -1.56999075
 N    -0.51221405    -0.16831434     0.19155551
 C     0.42559646     0.73518493     0.15370000
 C     1.83032782     0.44293542    -0.29536005
 N     0.10165908     1.98429042     0.53396759
 C     0.98298121     3.13145831     0.35684474
 C    -1.26560318     2.23629211     0.98595990
 C    -2.22438537     2.51054836    -0.15887181
 C     1.18602343     3.53702715    -1.09458028
 H    -0.13204699    -4.18407067     1.09769949
 H     1.47932041    -3.91933397     1.82553751
 H     1.32547120    -4.17552655     0.06796393
 H     2.54696917     1.22115888    -0.04576492
 H     1.83379366     0.29005592    -1.37636062
 H     2.15142727    -0.49380486     0.16018870
 H    -1.22780458     3.07907715     1.67903524
 H    -1.59248711     1.35548787     1.53607705
 H    -1.95398834     3.41767250    -0.70380127
 H    -3.23898511     2.63841980     0.22479122
 H    -2.22423481     1.66482094    -0.84776136
 H     1.82648873     4.42036694    -1.15099466
 H     0.23370214     3.77308469    -1.57093964
 H     1.65992567     2.73955847    -1.66873904
 H     1.94334996     2.94077991     0.84188781
 H     0.52885129     3.95642992     0.90616088
basis spherical
 * library 6-31+G*
 xc b3lyp
 disp vdw 3
 convergence energy 1d-8
 thresh 1d-8
title "B3LYP-D3/6-31+G* frequency calculation"
task dft freq

Thank you for any feedback.

Forum Vet
Increase global memory
You are running out of global memory. Please add the following line to the beginning of
your input file:

memory stack 600 mb heap 200 mb global 800 mb


Clicked A Few Times
Thank you. It worked!

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