Periodic systems

Just Got Here
I would like to do a DFT calculation of a one dimensional polymer. I'm running a test job with hydrogen, but i'm running into some issues:
-The job seems to run only when I use the pspw module and the "system crystal" option, but I'd like to use DFT and "system polymer". Is that possible?
-It looks like the lattice parameters are not optimized in an optimization run. That might be intended behaviour. Is it possible to optimize lattice parameters?

Jim W

PS: Still in version 6.0 (running on mac)

Gets Around
The Gaussian DFT module does not have periodic boundary conditions. The only thing you can try is to calculate very long chains.

Just Got Here
Right, very long chains is not really an option for me, so I guess I will try to use plane-waves. Are there any examples availeble on how to build a simple input file for pspw?

Jim W

Forum Vet
Jim, has a broad suite of tutorials with examples available, starting at .


Quote:JimW Feb 9th 3:05 pm
Right, very long chains is not really an option for me, so I guess I will try to use plane-waves. Are there any examples availeble on how to build a simple input file for pspw?

Jim W

Clicked A Few Times
More than 10 years ago, there was a Gaussian DFT-PBC module in NWChem, called GAPSS. Is it still in development and can be obtained from the authors?

Forum Vet
GAPSS has not been developed for at least 10 years and has not been part of the NWChem branch for a similar period of time.


Quote:Zork Jun 14th 7:47 pm
More than 10 years ago, there was a Gaussian DFT-PBC module in NWChem, called GAPSS. Is it still in development and can be obtained from the authors?

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