Instructions to build with OpenMPI are outdated

Just Got Here
it recommends to use "-lmpi_f90 -lmpi_f77" which openmpi-1.10.7 doesn't install.

Also 'ga' doesn't even have an option to build with OpenMPI, it just links with mpich when --with-mpi is given.
How can nwchem use OpenMPI if ga uses only mpich?

Forum Vet
Those instructions are indeed obsolete.
Since NWChem 6.6 we do not recommend setting any MPI env. variable, but to simply point PATH to the mpif90 in use

Just Got Here
What about ga? Can NWChem use OpenMPI when ga doesn't seem to support it? I don't think different MPI implementations can be safely mixed in one process.

Forum Vet
Quote:Yurivict Jan 21st 11:52 am
What about ga? Can NWChem use OpenMPI when ga doesn't seem to support it? I don't think different MPI implementations can be safely mixed in one process.

We do ship GA with NWChem. That's the model we can directly support.

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