QMD to simulate time-resolved IR

Forum Vet
NWCHEM can use QMD to simulate time-resolved IR spectrum and the element-wise breakdown of the vibrational DOS at DFT level. Does just the exportation of qmd_tools in contrib or additional path settings during the compilation make live plots through Fourier transforms and autocorrelation functions?

Forum Vet
I will repeat that of SiCl4 in NWCHEM documentation.

Forum Vet
On Ubuntu18.04, the original step_nucl 20000 could be recognized, although I cut off the calculation after 110.059237 femtoseconds elapsed.
I will try it further.

Forum Vet
On MAC, the original step_nucl 20000 could be recognized.
I will try it further.

Forum Vet
This work can be successfully finished on Ubuntu 18.04 using NWCHEM6.8 with four threads
QMD Run Information
Time elapsed (fs) : ...
Dipole (a.u.)  : 20000 ...
and on macOS Mojave it also can finish smoothly using three cores, although slower, perhaps with the identical results because I have only checked the last several steps of the very large number of the data produced
QMD Run Information
Time elapsed (fs) : ...
Dipole (a.u.)  : 20000 ...

Forum Vet
I just repeated the example in the NWCHEM documentation, and am not interested in any other calculation using this.

Very Best Regards!

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