Which keyword let qmmm freq.nw restart?

Forum Vet
Dear Edoapra
When I tested qmmm_freq.nw in the QA test in NWCHEM6.8, it exhibits
inu qmmm_input:
out of qmmm_input:
* NWChem QM/MM Interface Module *
* *
* ... *
QM/MM Interface Parameters
operation task:operation freq

* 0: Failed to open restart file 0

In fact, no geometry was provided. Thus, I wish to ask which keyword would let qmmm_freq.nw restart?

Thanks a lot!

Very Best Regards!

Forum Vet
Word restart appears here perhaps because no geometry is provided.

Forum Vet
Not sure how this QA test was run. The proper way is by using the runtests.mpi.unix command

./runtests.mpi.unix qmmm_freq
 Running tests/qmmm_freq/qmmm_freq 
     cleaning scratch
     copying input and verified output files
     running nwchem (/home/edo/park/nwchem-6.8.1/bin/LINUX64/nwchem)
15.1u 10.5s 0:12.80 200.4% (0t+0ds+0avg+41742max)k 18136i+851152o 79pf 0swaps
     verifying output ... OK

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