SR wPBE functional

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Dear NWchem team,

I was wondering which expression NWchem uses for the enhancement factor of SR wPBE. Do you use the expression (Eq. 27) given in JCTC 2009, 5, 754?

Thank you

Forum Vet
Yes, it seems to be eq 27. of doi:10.1021/ct800530u

Have a look at the expression for Fxhse in

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Quote:Edoapra Nov 29th 4:47 pm
Yes, it seems to be eq 27. of doi:10.1021/ct800530u

Have a look at the expression for Fxhse in

Hi Edoapra,

Thanks for your reply. So, I was looking at the two expressions (the Fxhse expression in the hse08fx.F file and the expression given in the aforementioned article) and they seem different. I plotted both expressions and the graphs seem quite different.
Probably I am missing something, but could you have a look at it? I wanted to attach the plots but I cannot figure out how to upload them here.

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