failed to locate shared region

  • Guest -
Dear NWChem users and Developers!

As discussed in another topic I had problem running single point CCSD(T) calculations in the TCE module to obtain electric dipole moment and polarizability. Now the the speed of the calculations is increased by using the last stated idea by Bert in the job script and solving a compilation problem. Unfortunately, I try to do exactly the same calculations but do an geometry optimisation instead of only a single point calculation when this odd error occurs

  CC-T/L Amplitude update :  5-th order DIIS
I/O scheme : Global Array Library
68:find_regions: failed to locate shared region: 0

The input looks like this

start Si8_I_CC_Opt

memory stack 1200 mb heap 100 mb global 600 mb

geometry units angstroms
   Si  -2.74767075     0.73324449     0.00000000
Si -0.54032607 1.28149953 0.00000000
Si -1.25560423 -0.59990314 -1.43480602
symmetry C2h

basis spherical
 si library 6-311g**

freeze core
io ga
2emet 3
tilesize 15

task tce optimize

I guess the program is not able to find temporary files but I do not know how to avoid this problem. Does someone has ideas or suggestions?

Best wishes


  • Guest -
As additional information:

The program finishes the first CCSD(T) cycle. The mentioned error occurs when the gradient calculations are started.

Best wishes


Forum Vet

This is again a situation where you're running out of memory.


Quote: Nov 28th 9:11 am
As additional information:

The program finishes the first CCSD(T) cycle. The mentioned error occurs when the gradient calculations are started.

Best wishes


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