using gdb with NWChem

Just Got Here
I'm trying to get a fuller understanding of stepsize adaptation and algorithm switching in the NEB module by stepping through the code with gdb. Unfortunately, I'm running into what seems to be a known limitation of gdb. For example, trying to inspect the bead energies after initialization of the bead list (line 259 of neb_drv.F in version 6.8) with

(gdb) print dbl_mb(e1(1))

produces the output

no such vector element

As far as gdb is concerned, dbl_mb is a two-element array of doubles. So far as I can tell, e1 is properly assigned as an MA handle and index, but I haven't been able to translate the values into an explicit memory address that could be used to inspect memory directly.

Any suggestions on how to coax gdb into displaying the values of an array allocated through MA or recommendations for alternatives to gdb are most welcome.


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